Bush has repeatedly and publicy declared abotion is wrong. No he has not… he says what he “thinks” Republicans want him to say. He is a PLINO puppet.
hillary believes that the taxpayers should fund abortions up unitl the moment the child’s head fully exits the womb. **NO woman ever wants that. Can you show me when and where she said that? **
Both have worked hard to implement their beleifs.** Bush is not working hard at anything. Repeatedly and publicy declaring abortion is wrong has done NOTHING. If so, then why after 30 years is abortion still legal?**
Hillary is blocking the Parental Notification law-Bush wants to sign it. It’s bad law, millions other than Hillary oppose it. Hillary opposed Bush’s reimplementation of the mexico City protocol. Don’t know what that is, but if she opposed it, there were good reasons. Hillary opposed Bushs ban on giving US funds to organizations that promote or perform abortions. She is not alone on that one. Hillary opposed the Violence aganst the unborn act-Bush promoted it and signed it, Hillary opposed the partial Birth Abortion law, Bush promoted it and signed,it. Hillary opposed absitinence funding-Bush put it in his budget and to date has signed bills allocating over 50 millon to it. A waste of $50 mil.cause it’s not working. Hillary opposed Bush’s appointment of Pro-life Justices Roberts and Alito. Means nothing as both are PLINO just like Bush. Hillary helped block the Bush appointment of 6 other Pro-Life Judges to federal Courts. She was not alone in doing so. Hillary has voted against EVERY pro-life apointment to the judiciary Bush has made.