Before you decide, you might first want to read an article in the April 15, 2005 issue of Our Sunday Visitor, by Mercedes Arzu Wilson.
Even though you may be declared brain-dead, your body must in fact be kept alive—living and breathing—while your vital organs are being harvested. In the U.S., you will probably not be given an anesthetic before they cut into you. You will instead be given a paralyzing agent, to prevent limb movement while your vital organs are being cut out. How confident are you that you will not feel anything during this procedure?
From the article:
“Dr. Conrado Estol, a neurologist from Argentina, spoke strongly in favor of harvesting human organs. He presented a dramatic video of a man diagnosed as ‘brain dead’ who attempted to sit up and cross his arms (an act Estol called a ‘Lazarus reflex.’)”
In some European countries, you will be given an anesthetic, while your organs are being removed. This is a more comforting thought than simply being paralyzed while being cut into, but are “dead” people commonly given anesthesia?
Also keep in mind that when a doctor says that whatever condition you may have is considered “irreversible,” that is a prognosis—not a fact.
After your vital organs have been harvested, your vital functions as shown on the monitors really will go flat-line. Now we know you are dead. Cause of death: removal of vital organs.
Even though you may be declared brain-dead, your body must in fact be kept alive—living and breathing—while your vital organs are being harvested. In the U.S., you will probably not be given an anesthetic before they cut into you. You will instead be given a paralyzing agent, to prevent limb movement while your vital organs are being cut out. How confident are you that you will not feel anything during this procedure?
From the article:
“Dr. Conrado Estol, a neurologist from Argentina, spoke strongly in favor of harvesting human organs. He presented a dramatic video of a man diagnosed as ‘brain dead’ who attempted to sit up and cross his arms (an act Estol called a ‘Lazarus reflex.’)”
In some European countries, you will be given an anesthetic, while your organs are being removed. This is a more comforting thought than simply being paralyzed while being cut into, but are “dead” people commonly given anesthesia?
Also keep in mind that when a doctor says that whatever condition you may have is considered “irreversible,” that is a prognosis—not a fact.
After your vital organs have been harvested, your vital functions as shown on the monitors really will go flat-line. Now we know you are dead. Cause of death: removal of vital organs.