I will not answer that question, but will simply provide a train of thought, for whatever it may be worth.What is the first mathematical evident proposition that serves as the foundation of the theorem “There is an actual infinity”?
First, there would need to be some mathematical concept of “actual” before it would be appropriate to refer to the statement “there is an actual infinity” as a theorem. The sticky point here is your choice of the word “theorem.”
Second, it strikes me as strange to describe the existence of infinitely many primes as an elementary theorem, while simultaneously suggesting that the question of whether or not there are infinitely many positive integers is a challenging and interesting problem in mathematics. Now, you didn’t actually say that it (the theorem that there are infinitely many primes) is elementary, but in the context of this thread anybody could make that claim, and it would be strange if any debate arose on that question.
Third, if you want to use variables in mathematics …
(i.e., to expand your language beyond what was available to ancient Babylonian mathematicians who basically could solve the quadratic equation, but had to express their solution in terms of specific examples, because they had a very restricted system of mathematical language)
… then you need to also have what are known as “quantifiers” such as “for every” and “there exists.”
However, quantifiers may not be enough. If you accept that zero is a number, then you can consider the following two alternative attempts to state something that seems to be generally accepted as true:
(1) For all values of the variable r that are elements of the set of non-zero real numbers, (r/r)=1.
(2) For all values of the variable r that are elements of the set of real numbers, the following statement is true: if r is not equal to zero, then (r/r)=1.
In statement (1), we use a set of values for a variable in order to refrain from asserting something for values of the variable that don’t belong to our set. For that purpose, we rely upon the assumption that there exists the set of non-zero real numbers, which is simply a set obtained from the set of all real numbers by “removing” the one element that is the real number zero.
In statement (2), there is an attempt to impose a prohibition, but the attempt will fail. It is not obvious that there is any way to control the value of the variable r when it may be inside some part or fragment of some statement.