Argument over the TV

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My wife and I don’t agree on a lot of the TV programs, so we limit what we watch and if there is something she really wants to watch like the Oscars, I go into another room and read a book. When I want to watch the Packers she goes shopping or does something else. We don’t have cable. We do watch ‘24’ and Lost together. This year we are watching American Idol because the sister of my son’s girlfriend is on. If she is eliminated we probably won’t watch it anymore.

If you feel that you must watch the TV try renting a movie that you both enjoy and watching that.
Wow… I’m just surprised how much the TV has an effect on people!
I guess it just depends on personalities… TV has never “controlled” us, so we’ve never had the need to “control the TV”…

And as for comments on the TV being placed at the center of the room “like an altar”??? It’s just a box! Honestly, some of your thoughts on this “evil machine” are just amazing to me. I’m (really) not meaning to be rude or anything… I guess I just don’t understand having that mentality over an electronic box???

We love having the TV on in the background. It’s interesting, thought provoking, conversation starting, and entertaining! We just don’t watch garbage. It’s fairly simple. Disney channel, EWTN, Discovery, Animal Planet, etc, etc… we love it.
My honey hates TV too. We have 4 of them 😉 She’s very single-threaded. Its funny to watch her carry a laundry basket by a TV that’s on. She stops like a deer in the headlights. 😛

“Uh - Honey, I’m trying to watch that too!” 😉

I work from home from time to time and will have SportsCenter on as background noise. She can’t understand how I can work and watch TV. :eek:

We don’t fight about it though. There’s bigger worries in life than “do we need that on now?”
And as for comments on the TV being placed at the center of the room “like an altar”??? It’s just a box! … I guess I just don’t understand having that mentality over an electronic box???
I appreciated the original comment about the tv being like a home altar; I thought it was hilarious.:rotfl: Em, as you say it is just an electronic box–so why do I decorate my living room around a large box? That big, noisy box sucks in time and people. (Surely you must have noticed the little guys stuck in it, fighting wars and playing sports.😉 )
We love having the TV on in the background. It’s interesting, thought provoking, conversation starting, and entertaining! We just don’t watch garbage. It’s fairly simple. Disney channel, EWTN, Discovery, Animal Planet, etc, etc… we love it.
Background? In my house, it tries to be the center of attention. Rather than giving us something to talk about, it stops most conversation when it’s on. I hate competing with the tv for my husband’s attention. I like some of the educational shows, but garbage even sneaks into that. Yesterday while my 13 yo watched the Discovery channel, they showed an ad about finding Jesus’ tomb–what a bunch of heresy! (Yes, we talked about that!)

I’m not completely against tv–there’s some very good programs on it. But I don’t want it to have a prominent place in our family’s life–yet my husband gives tv a prominent place in our living room and family room.😛
And as for comments on the TV being placed at the center of the room “like an altar”??? It’s just a box! … I guess I just don’t understand having that mentality over an electronic box???
I appreciated the original comment about the tv being like a home altar; I thought it was hilarious.:rotfl: Em, as you say it is just an electronic box–so why do I decorate my living room around a large box? That big, noisy box sucks in time and people. (Surely you must have noticed the little guys stuck in it, fighting wars and playing sports.😉 )
We love having the TV on in the background. It’s interesting, thought provoking, conversation starting, and entertaining! We just don’t watch garbage. It’s fairly simple. Disney channel, EWTN, Discovery, Animal Planet, etc, etc… we love it.
Background? In my house, it tries to be the center of attention. Rather than giving us something to talk about, it stops most conversation when it’s on. I hate competing with the tv for my husband’s attention. I like some of the educational shows, but garbage even sneaks into that. Yesterday while my 13 yo watched the Discovery channel, they showed an ad about finding Jesus’ tomb–what a bunch of heresy!

I’m not completely against tv–there’s some very good programs on it. But I don’t want it to have a prominent place in our family’s life–yet my husband gives tv a prominent place in our living room and family room.😛
And as for comments on the TV being placed at the center of the room “like an altar”??? It’s just a box! … I guess I just don’t understand having that mentality over an electronic box???
I appreciated the original comment about the tv being like a home altar; I thought it was hilarious.:rotfl: Em, as you say it is just an electronic box–so why do I decorate my living room around a large box? That big, noisy box sucks in time and people. (Surely you must have noticed the little guys stuck in it, fighting wars and playing sports.😉 )
We love having the TV on in the background. It’s interesting, thought provoking, conversation starting, and entertaining! We just don’t watch garbage. It’s fairly simple. Disney channel, EWTN, Discovery, Animal Planet, etc, etc… we love it.
Background? In my house, it tries to be the center of attention. Rather than giving us something to talk about, it stops most conversation when it’s on. I hate competing with the tv for my husband’s attention. I like some of the educational shows, but garbage even sneaks into that. Yesterday while my 13 yo watched the Discovery channel, they showed an ad about finding Jesus’ tomb–what a bunch of heresy!

I’m not completely against tv–there’s some very good programs on it. But I don’t want it to have a prominent place in our family’s life–yet my husband gives tv a prominent place in our living room and family room.😛
Yesterday while my 13 yo watched the Discovery channel, they showed an ad about finding Jesus’ tomb–what a bunch of heresy! (Yes, we talked about that!)
You see… but that’s what I like about it. It can spark beautiful conversations about the faith!
What if your 13yo were confronted the following day with a conversation with some friends at school? Would he know how to defend the faith? I personally believe that exposing our children to what exists out in the world is a perfect opportunity to teach them how to evangalize!.. so they can learn to stand up and defend the faith!

It’s tough, you’re right… but in some cases I’m actually glad these “talking points” are available so we can step in as parents and guide our children ahead of time! 👍
My honey hates TV too. We have 4 of them 😉 She’s very single-threaded. Its funny to **watch her carry a laundry basket **by a TV that’s on. She stops like a deer in the headlights. 😛
I don’t want to take this thread in a different direction and I’m not ranting at YOU Uncle David, but were you by any chance sitting down and watching this show while she was GASP doing house work?

Sorry, my husband watches probably 14 hours of TV a DAY. I get home from work, cook dinner, feed the family, then squeeze in a little house work before I crash. It burns me up that he sits and watches tv so much while he could be helping me. I have recently come to realize though that its my fault… When I do ask him to help, I never like the way he does it and I get mad when things aren’t exactly the way I like… (I’m working on getting over that)

now back to your previously scheduled thread. 😃
I don’t want to take this thread in a different direction and I’m not ranting at YOU Uncle David, but were you by any chance sitting down and watching this show while she was GASP doing house work?

Sorry, my husband watches probably 14 hours of TV a DAY. I get home from work, cook dinner, feed the family, then squeeze in a little house work before I crash. It burns me up that he sits and watches tv so much while he could be helping me. I have recently come to realize though that its my fault… When I do ask him to help, I never like the way he does it and I get mad when things aren’t exactly the way I like… (I’m working on getting over that)

now back to your previously scheduled thread. 😃
You have found why many husbands don’t do housework. My wife used to criticize the way I vacuumed, mopped floor and washed clothes so I stopped doing those things. She complained that I was not helping, I told her I would help if she would not criticize the way I did it or do it over. She agreed and now I do help. Just because something is done differently than the way you do it does not make it wrong.
My wife and I just have tv for movies.
Both of us volunteered with the charity I now work for and there was no tv in the volunteer houses so it just fell out of our lives. The only thing we miss is the news and when the 2008 elections roll around we want to know what’s going on. We were given an antenna to get local news, but it’s not a priority to get it working.
You have found why many husbands don’t do housework. My wife used to criticize the way I vacuumed, mopped floor and washed clothes so I stopped doing those things. She complained that I was not helping, I told her I would help if she would not criticize the way I did it or do it over. She agreed and now I do help. Just because something is done differently than the way you do it does not make it wrong.
lol–this thread really has had me laughing…especially the poster who wrote that her husband has three tv’s going while mowing the lawn! ha! my husband thought that was hilarious.😛

something that is just one of those mysteries of life, too…why do men yell at the tv, when the hockey/football/baseball game isn’t going their way? hahahaha My husband is watching hockey tonight…omg…they can’t hear you…:rolleyes:

maybe they think the players can hear them?:eek: :rotfl:
Just a thought: Are we nerds entitled to criticise anyone for TV issues? 😃
could the men out there explain to me what is the thing with one TV showing a golf match, one TV with a football game, a radio with a baseball playoff game–and he is outside washing the car or cutting grass. is there some kind of sports immersion experience I should know about?

My dad used to sit in front of the TV with the TV and two radios going, each one with a different game playing. Then he’d fall asleep. If he woke up to silence, because we got tired of the noise, he’d complain, “I was following the games.” Yeah, right, dad.

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