The Boston Globe magazine had an article this Sunday on biological factors that may influence whether a person becomes homosexual. The article is clearly biased in favor of a biological explanation but if you read it carefully alot of the conclusions are tentative and speculative. In addition, inbedded in the articles are a few lines that sheepishly admit that most of the major research in this area (LeVay, Hamer and twin studies) was not replicable and seriously flawed (ex., small sample size, inconclusive, etc.). The author also points out a damning conclusion based on the concept of evolution: why hasn’t a gay gene (if it exists) been long wiped out due to the fact that an evolutionary mandate to heterosexually reproduce is in place. The obvious conclusion: homosexuality is largely determined by environmental, social and psycho-sexual factors and this is why it continues to show up in 2% of the population. The author’s response to this glaring reality was to pull some real speculative assertions out of his hat such as a virus operating in the womb that may trigger the same-sex attraction. Other speculations include faulty wiring of a gene copy. Gender nonconformity is mentioned early in the article and there’s no doubt that this is a factor in same-sex attraction but reliable sources (Neil Whitehead) suggest it only occurs in about 5% of cases and it’s just a predisposition to homosexuality not a foregone cause. Many of these individuals can reverse their attraction if worked with early enough in life and even as adults (although less successfully). The work of Nicolosi and Fitzgibbons is still the most valuable work on the subject but of course neither of these individuals are mentioned for one simple reason: lack of political correctness.