This is a non-sequiter. People with downs syndrome are ‘/disordered’, but are they sinful?The argument that homosexuality is disordered and sinful
Is this because the religiously indoctrinated have had their critical faculties damaged? Or is it because damaged logic is a prerequisite to relifious belief? Ican be made much easier when you go after a person’s religious sensibilities.
I’m sorry, but I dont follow your logic, unless you are claiming one of these.
However, it’s a little more difficult when that person you’re trying to persuade is an atheist.
Because the evidence must pass rational analysis? Because critical faculties are present?No, I still dont get it. I refuse to believe being religioud is indicative of such attributes.Each gender is biologically made to compliment the other and reproduction (which obviously is an evolutionary mandate) can occur naturally only when a male and female have sexual intercourse
How odd, I know of many species cpable of asexual reproduction, and some that survive purely with females. I am also aware of genital misatch in many species. That is the male is ‘good enough’ to fertilise the female, but not an ideal match.Sexual reproduction is not an evolutionary mandate,and even if it were that does not imply that all members of a population should engage in reproductive sex. Afterall celibates in our society are not treated in the same way as gay people, but thier reproductive success is somewhat lesser.At the risk of being pedantic, this is basic biology and is what happens naturally.
Homosexuality occurs naturally, that is basic biology, sorry. The rate appears to be about 5% across societies at the present time (specifics apply), and has always been present. It strikes me that arguing against homosexuality is like arguing against the tides coming in and out.
Gravirty is natural, so is flight. Heterosecuality is natural, so is homosexuality.
What makes you think gay people do not reproduce? I have to ask as I know several lesbians who are parents, and not quite as many gay men.By definition, any other deviation from that process is unnatural and thus is disordered.
It seems to me you are mixing up sexual preference with the urge to reproduce.
It seems, also, that you are unable to answer my previous question. If homosexuality is a choice, when did you last want to fondle a member of your own gender?
If the answer is never, then you have no concept of what what being gay means.
You prove my point.
If life were just about breeding, you might have a point. But gay people breed…so…Homosexuality is not supposed to happen and just because it exists doesn’t mean it is not disordered.
Are people with same-sex attractions making a free choice to be that way? In most cases the answer is a resounding “no” but that doesn’t mean that the origin of the attraction is strictly biological.
But that is not my point is it? My point is the assumption of free will is built upon the idea that we all face the same choices, and have the same resources to resist temptation. I contend this is not the case.
I do not steal, I am not tempted to steal, so what virtue can be found in this? NONE!
If the majority of poster here do not have even a jot of same-sex attraction going on then they have no conceptual framework.
The evidence points to environmental factors being the biggest contributors to a child’s initial same-sex attraction but some biological factors may predispose that child and make him vunerable to developing same-sex attractions under specific environmental conditions.
This is comforting nonsense. Regardless of how dangerous, violent, opressive, deforming and vindictive an environment about 2% of the male population remain steadfastly homosexual.Those conditions are outlined very well by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi… When you introduce the consequences of homosexuality (disease, depression, emotional dysfunction, addiction)
These consequences correlete to homophobia, not homosexuality. Sorry.Anti-gay people make the lives of gay people a misery. That effort of theirs leads to alienation, anomie, isolation, low self-esteem, and so on.Blaming the victim…I though that had stopped.vand the religious implications (violation of the natural law, closed to life, extreme sexual promiscuity, etc.)
Back to front,the case against homosexual behavior then the arguments against it are a slam dunk.
A mish mash of self justification and avoidence I am afraid. Bad science, bad psychology, assumption ridden and rather poor.I sincerely will pray for your conversion my friend.
Thank you, I am sure they are needed.