As a candidate, should I be confirmed at Easter or should I wait?

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If you want to get to know more people at the parish, you should join another group besides RCIA, like a prayer group, a bible study group, or your local branch of St. Vincent de Paul Society. Once you become more involved with the parish apart from Sunday Mass and RCIA, you will get to know people beyond saying hello at Mass and will feel more at home.

Ask what previous years’ Easter Vigils were like, what happens, what kind of music they have, whether they were reverent or not, to get an idea.

I had to wait over 9 months to join the RCIA class in the parish where I was baptised and confirmed. I found joining these other groups to be very beneficial to both my learning about the faith and getting to know people in the parish. If I didn’t get answers from my RCIA group, I could discuss it with my prayer group.

May the Holy Spirit inspire your decision.

Personally, I could hardly wait to receive the Eucharist, and had I had a choice of receiving Him earlier or later, I would have chosen earlier.
If you want to get to know more people at the parish, you should join another group besides RCIA, like a prayer group, a bible study group, or your local branch of St. Vincent de Paul Society. Once you become more involved with the parish apart from Sunday Mass and RCIA, you will get to know people beyond saying hello at Mass and will feel more at home.

Ask what previous years’ Easter Vigils were like, what happens, what kind of music they have, whether they were reverent or not, to get an idea.

I had to wait over 9 months to join the RCIA class in the parish where I was baptised and confirmed. I found joining these other groups to be very beneficial to both my learning about the faith and getting to know people in the parish. If I didn’t get answers from my RCIA group, I could discuss it with my prayer group.
May the Holy Spirit inspire your decision.

Personally, I could hardly wait to receive the Eucharist, and had I had a choice of receiving Him earlier or later, I would have chosen earlier**.
If the leaders of your RCIA and your priest feel you are ready to enter the Church at Easter Vigil, I agree with Linda Marie. My priest would agree. He feels that RCIA is not meant to be an in-depth theology class, but, instruction on the fundamental teaching of the Church. To expect to have all the answers before coming into he Church is unrealistic. I am sure not everyone in your RCIA class is ready for the depth of knowledge you are seeking. I see that in our present RCIA class, where some have minimal ability to even use their Bibles.

I, too, was anxious to receive Christ in the Eucharist. Welcome Home! Enter the Church and enjoy participating fully in the Sacraments. See your Confirmation as a Commencement of sorts - a beginning. Keep seeking Truth and knowledge. I drive people crazy with my questions!! As you have seen in this thread, answers generate still more questions. If you wait to have all the answers, you’ll **never **come into the church!
If you wait to have all the answers, you’ll **never **come into the church!
Faith leads to understanding…

Famous quote from Anselm (who was quoting Augustine, I believe)

Once a person has faith that Christ is God and established a Church guided by the Spirit of God, the rest should eventually come. This is enough to lead to all understanding.


Twelve Apostles died, gave there very life’s as Martyrs in gruesome way’s in belief of this truth.
Eleven of the twelve were martyrs. St. John was not.
…RCIA is not meant to be an in-depth theology class, but, instruction on the fundamental teaching of the Church. To expect to have all the answers before coming into he Church is unrealistic. I am sure not everyone in your RCIA class is ready for the depth of knowledge you are seeking. I see that in our present RCIA class, where some have minimal ability to even use their Bibles.
Linda, you make an excellent point here. The parish class has to cater to all different levels. That is precisely the reason that I am “moonlighting” in the second RCIA class. I am simply not learning anything meaningful in the parish class.
If you wait to have all the answers, you’ll **never **come into the church!
Quite true!

When it comes to determining my readiness, I trust and respect the discernment abilities of the leaders of my new RCIA class. Sadly, I do not have much faith in the leaders of the parish RCIA class in this regard.
=LindaSK;6225913]Eleven of the twelve were martyrs. St. John was not.
😃 Hi Linda, your right of course; BUT so was I…

**1Cor.9: 2 **If to others I am not an apostle, at least I am to you; for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.

**1Cor.15: 9 **For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

I had Paul in mind:thumbsup:

John was bolied alvie in oil but kep alive by Direct intervention from God:thumbsup:

Love and prayers,

**1Cor.9: 2 **If to others I am not an apostle, at least I am to you; for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.

**1Cor.15: 9 **For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

I had Paul in mind:thumbsup:
I didn’t question anything else. You are right there, of course!!

=LindaSK;6227617]I didn’t question anything else. You are right there, of course!!
***You are more correct than I, but I did have Paul in mind when I posted.

Ya did great to call me on it.

God bless you Linda,

I was Confirmed a month after Easter Vigil and I don’t feel I missed out on anything. In fact, I feel this was much more meaningful for me than if I had been Confirmed at Easter Vigil.

Of course I was present at Easter Vigil and it was wonderful, but my own acceptance into the church, my marriage in the church, my Confirmation, and my First Holy Communion with the intimate setting of weekday Mass among well-loved parishioners those who attended Tuesday Masses with me each week for 10 months (gee, no one from RCIA ever attended weekday Mass - wonder why not) - all this was a priceless treasure.

If we remain open to what God has in store for us, we will happily discover that He knows what’s best for us.
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