As a Catholic bisexual, would it be sinful to go to a pride event?

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This does not say that being bisexual is something the “church is against”:

CCC 1867 The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are “sins that cry to heaven” : the blood of Abel, the sin of the Sodomites, the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan, injustice to the wage earner.

Remember that homosexuality, anywhere on the spectrum, is not sinful. What is sinful is sexual relations outside the bond of a valid marriage.

We are commanded to act in a loving manner to persons who are homosexual. Again, the Catechism:

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

[2359] Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
From what I’ve seen of these pride events, they are not somewhere that a practicing Catholic should attend.

I went to one once, years ago before I converted, and it was debauchery. The amount of men I had proposition me was extremely uncomfortable. I’m not gay or bi, and I went with a girl I was pursuing at the time because she was going to support her friends. I’ll never go to another one.
A lot of LGBT pride parades are pretty tame now, especially in smaller towns. Where I live, you won’t see any nudity at the parade and among the participants is a marching band from the local high school. And sponsors of the parade include major banks, insurance companies, etc. A few years ago, the parade in my town had a float from American Express. There is also usually a contingent of gay Catholics and contingents from the local Methodist and other churches.
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From what I’ve seen of these pride events, they are not somewhere that a practicing Catholic should attend.

I went to one once, years ago before I converted, and it was debauchery. The amount of men I had proposition me was extremely uncomfortable. I’m not gay or bi, and I went with a girl I was pursuing at the time because she was going to support her friends. I’ll never go to another one.
A lot of LGBT pride parades are pretty tame now, especially in smaller towns. Where I live, you won’t see any nudity at the parade and among the participants is a marching band from the local high school. And sponsors of the parade include major banks, insurance companies, etc. A few years ago, the parade in my town had a float from American Express. There is also usually a contingent of gay Catholics and contingents from the local Methodist and other churches.
I wouldn’t go, don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t even consider it.

But I’ve noticed, in recent years, not only do they get representatives of mainstream businesses, but there seems to be a number of parents who bring their children to the event because they want to teach their children respect; that these people are a part of our community and should be respected.
The fact that it’s corporate sponsored makes it laughable that people still try and act like gays are persecuted.
That shows that some employers don’t discriminate against them.

Maybe the big name bank or insurance company supports its LGBT employees (maybe because it makes good business sense) and maybe they support the “LGBT community” (maybe because that makes good business sense as well).

But there are still a lot of hardcore anti-gays out there.
From what you say, I think God is pleased with you in trying to keep his commandments and his teaching from his Church. But I do not believe you or any catholic should attend or take part in these pride events which essentially celebrate sin and lifestyles of sin. Unless these people repent, I don’t think their end is going to be pleasant. Even if one had ulterior motives, I think there might be or is formal cooperation in sin in attending these pride events.
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Ask a priest a traditional one I know there are certain sins that are crying to heaven for vengeance and that’s one of them
Please stop. It’s not our feelings and temptations that define us. It’s our choices.
Chaste living is chase living.

Homosexual acts are grave matter. If you go to an event that very easily could support this grave matter, you could be placing yourself in the near occasion of sin…and… if you know that these circumstances could lead you into sin – did you know that placing yourself knowingly in the near occasion of sin can itself be a sin?

Do you want to risk your eternal soul for this?

My two cents…
Do you think it would be appropriate as a “practicing Catholic “ to attend a pro-abortion event? I don’t. It would go against the Word of God and the teaching of His Church.

Likewise by attending a Pride march/event could well be seen as endorsing that which is contrary to God’s moral law as well as potentially causing scandal. I don’t see how one could in good conscience attend such an event and still remain Catholic.
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