As a Catholic I believe

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A priest once told my cousin, “be orthodox and you’ll be happy”. I’m all for this, considering that the happiest people I know are fully orthodox Roman Catholics and I, too, accept everything that the Church teaches. I’m also very happy and am working towards perfect union with the Lord in heaven. So it’s true, a faithful Catholic accepts everything that the Church teaches and lives life accordingly. 😃
I heartily agree! 🙂
Simple, Simple, Simple…

To be a Catholic, means one must agree with everything the Church teaches. Notice . . .MUST. No two ways about it. No agreement, no Catholic.

I would have selected the option of following and believing all that the Church teaches, even without understanding it; but my problem is that I NEED to understand things in order to believe them. I can’t really explain this need, but I think God would rather have an understanding, all-devoted believer who can back up what she says in a lecture hall instead of someone who sits and keeps her mouth shut.
GWofVA, I agree with you on the topic of not agreeing with what the Church teaches makes one anything but Catholic.
GWofVA, I agree with you on the topic of not agreeing with what the Church teaches makes one anything but Catholic.
Thank you lvngembrs,
It is good for you to ask questions. To ask brings greater understanding, which is something God always wants us to have. But let us not forget that we aren’t supposed to know everything. That was why Jesus said something to the effect of: Blessed are they who have not seen, but still believe. There are too many things out there which cannot be explained by any human means and have no earthly or scientific explanation; thus, we should trust God to tell us if and when we reach Heaven (hopefully). Though I doubt we will care much by then. :rolleyes: But you are on the right track. That is where theologians and philosophers come from. And when you are informed, you can share the wealth with those who are less informed. God Bless you in your search.

Simple, Simple, Simple…

To be a Catholic, means one must agree with everything the Church teaches. Notice . . .MUST. No two ways about it. No agreement, no Catholic.

Hummm, sounds like “the Church” (meaining the Roman Episcopate) has become God. This is all very frightening!!!
Hummm, sounds like “the Church” (meaining the Roman Episcopate) has become God. This is all very frightening!!!
Hello linus,

The Roman Catholic Church or any other earthly organizations are not god and never will be. But the Catholic Church is the tool, the right hand so to speak, of God and helps all those who are willing to listen and learn come closer to God and piety. The Pope, the successor of Saint Peter (the appointee of Jesus), teaches infallibly concerning doctrine, meaning that with the unerring assistance of the Holy Spirit (a member of the Blessed Trinity), the Pope puts into Church law that which is God’s will. And if a person does not agree with the teachings of the true Church established by Jesus Christ, then they cannot be a part of it. If a person denys any teaching then they are not in union with God’s will; thus, they sin as a heretic.

This is what I meant. If you are not in full communion with the Church and its teachings, then you aren’t a true Catholic.

Hello linus,

The Roman Catholic Church or any other earthly organizations are not god and never will be. But the Catholic Church is the tool, the right hand so to speak, of God and helps all those who are willing to listen and learn come closer to God and piety. The Pope, the successor of Saint Peter (the appointee of Jesus), teaches infallibly concerning doctrine, meaning that with the unerring assistance of the Holy Spirit (a member of the Blessed Trinity), the Pope puts into Church law that which is God’s will. And if a person does not agree with the teachings of the true Church established by Jesus Christ, then they cannot be a part of it. If a person denys any teaching then they are not in union with God’s will; thus, they sin as a heretic.

This is what I meant. If you are not in full communion with the Church and its teachings, then you aren’t a true Catholic.

I know Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (Jn. 14:6). And throughout the Gospel accounts (especially John’s), the Book of Acts, and the Epistles, the message therein is faith in Christ - and those who deviate from this faith are the “heretics.”

Jesus also said that “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that preceeds out of the mouth of God.” He didn’t say by every word that comes out of Rome. Even the Apostle Paul warns the individual believer to “examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good” (1 Thess. 5:21). That implies that there are some things taught by men that are not good. He didn’t point to themselves (the Apostles) and say, we will examine all things for you and therefore you are to believe “everything” we tell you. But we do know that “all Scripture is inspired by God” and what we need to know concerning salvation faith has been preserved in these Holy Writings.

Not to sound offensive, but wouldn’t willfully deciding to believe EVERYTHING that a church teaches be a cult mentality? Didn’t even the Bereans examine the Scriptures to see if what Paul was telling them was actually true? And as noted above, Paul told the believers at Thessalonica to do the same.

For me the responses on this thread are scary. Probably to a fellow Catholic they sound pius, but I guess that’s the difference between the Catholic mind and the Protestant’s.
Hello linus,
Jesus also said that “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that preceeds out of the mouth of God.” He didn’t say by every word that comes out of Rome.
 Are we to believe that at the end of Jesus' life and those of the Biblical authors, God just left the world to itself without guidance?  What about slavery? What about abortion?  What about euthanasia ... and Communism ... and Socialism?  What about every other sin which has come up in the world in the last 2,000 years which has not been addressed.  Are we to assume that once Jesus died and the Bible was written that all the guidance humanity would ever need were recorded in those pages???  I'm sorry, but I cannot believe that.  The Bible holds many truths and  guidlines to being a faithful Christian, but it doesn't contain every answer to every sinful problem that will arise.  That was why Jesus chose the Apostles.  They, who were blessed directly by the Holy Spirit in the upper room, were to continue His teachings here on earth after He ascended to Heaven.  St. Peter, who was given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven by Jesus Himself, was chosen by Jesus as His successor on earth.  So, to make sure that God's will be done, Peter established an organized church, the Catholic Church, in Rome.  Without this guidance, people would not have any more guidelines other than those presented in the Bible to guide them.  Which means that for every new problem which the Bible doesn't consider, people would do what they thought was best.  Disorganization and disunity would then result.  That is not how the Church of the Living God should be conducted.  How can the Christian church be a light to the world if its own members do not even believe the same things?  That is what the Holy See in Rome is for.  The guidance, organization, and unity of the Church of God.  Thus, if a person doesn't believe what the Pope, the successor of Peter (who was the successor of Jesus on earth) says than they are being heretical and cannot be a member of the Catholic Church.  Now granted, there have been a few Popes who have made decisions without the Church's best interests in mind, but never when doctrine was concerned.  That was why there were Councils, like the Council at Nicaea and the Second Vatican Council, to help weed out bad teachings and further define the Catholic faith.
(Please continue in next post.)>>>
Even the Apostle Paul warns the individual believer to “examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good” (1 Thess. 5:21). That implies that there are some things taught by men that are not good. He didn’t point to themselves (the Apostles) and say, we will examine all things for you and therefore you are to believe “everything” we tell you. But we do know that “all Scripture is inspired by God” and what we need to know concerning salvation faith has been preserved in these Holy Writings.
Yes, many false prophets and sinners have taught evil teachings (communism, for example) which have harmed humanity. However, who should one turn to if they don’t know what to do when faced with temptation? Presumably, one should go to someone who is more knowledgable. And who could be more informed and holier than the Apostles? Being connected directly with Jesus, they became the teachers while we are all the followers. That is why Jesus used the shepherd analogy with Peter. He was to care for the flock, the Catholic Church, meaning guiding us in spiritual matters, protecting us from false prophets, and bringing us safely to Heaven. That is where the Pope comes in. Being the successor of St. Peter, his teachings are those which are meant to guide the members of Catholicism to holiness, purity, and Heaven if they follow the guidelines.
Not to sound offensive, but wouldn’t willfully deciding to believe EVERYTHING that a church teaches be a cult mentality? Didn’t even the Bereans examine the Scriptures to see if what Paul was telling them was actually true? And as noted above, Paul told the believers at Thessalonica to do the same.
No offense taken, and no. Catholics are not sheep or cultists blindly following whatever the Church teaches. Those who seek to have a deeper faith and richer unity with God constantly question the teachings of the Church and God. They are Theologians, Philosophers, and Apoligists. They look at the hard questions, examine the Church’s teachings and then help inform the ignorant when they discover an answer. (I am none of these, but Lord knows I have thought of some pretty tough questions and have always found an answer somewhere.) And after an exhaustive study of looking at all the facts, teachings and writings of the Church, if a person isn’t satisfied, they can leave the Church. That is why so many Doctors, Professors, and the like of other religions when they seek the truth of God, are led to the Catholic faith. Rarely is it the opposite. The Catholic faith is just so reasonable, orderly, and makes so much sense, that those who are seeking for truth cannot help but realize that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church of God. Unfortunately, stubbourness and pride harden many hearts so that when they perceive the truth, they willfully reject it.
For me the responses on this thread are scary. Probably to a fellow Catholic they sound pius, but I guess that’s the difference between the Catholic mind and the Protestant’s.
I don’t know if you have or not, but to people who haven’t studied the Catholic faith, it can seem pretty daunting, scary, or even oppressive. However, God gave us all free will. He gave us all the power to make up our own minds and follow whatever path we choose. That is why even though it sounds oppressive, it isn’t. Love of God fuels the Catholics desire to sacrifice everything for Him. To live a life of holiness so that one day one can see God face to face and be numbered with the Saints in Heaven (the eternal reward for faith, love, and charity on earth), is what drives Catholics to be better people than human nature dictates.

These are the reasons why we Catholics are the way we are. If you have any questions in life, please look for an answer. Don’t let something as important as your soul be left to chance. Just remember that eternity is an awfully long time. Don’t you think your soul is worth a little searching?

Yes, many false prophets and sinners have taught evil teachings (communism, for example) which have harmed humanity. However, who should one turn to if they don’t know what to do when faced with temptation? Presumably, one should go to someone who is more knowledgable. And who could be more informed and holier than the Apostles? Being connected directly with Jesus, they became the teachers while we are all the followers. That is why Jesus used the shepherd analogy with Peter. He was to care for the flock, the Catholic Church, meaning guiding us in spiritual matters, protecting us from false prophets, and bringing us safely to Heaven. That is where the Pope comes in. Being the successor of St. Peter, his teachings are those which are meant to guide the members of Catholicism to holiness, purity, and Heaven if they follow the guidelines.
This, of course, is all basic Catholic doctrine. However, neither Paul, John, James or Luke in their writings teach the supremacy of Peter. Not even Peter teaches his own supremacy. The Lord telling Peter to shepherd His flock does not in any way indicate a succession of Popes. There’s no record of Peter, or any Apostle, appointing a “successor.”

You say “holier than the Apostles” as if to mean “pure.” All the Apostles had their flaws, as demonstrated in the Scriptural accounts. It’s the Scriptures themselves that are “inspired by God” (theopneustos, God-breathed), by which His truth is preserved for subsequent generations. Men are imperfect and tend to distort things. Even Paul had to rebuke Peter, as did the Lord. That’s why His truth was put down in “God-breathed” writing.
No offense taken, and no. Catholics are not sheep or cultists blindly following whatever the Church teaches. Those who seek to have a deeper faith and richer unity with God constantly question the teachings of the Church and God. They are Theologians, Philosophers, and Apoligists. They look at the hard questions, examine the Church’s teachings and then help inform the ignorant when they discover an answer. (I am none of these, but Lord knows I have thought of some pretty tough questions and have always found an answer somewhere.)
Even the theologian, philosopher and apologist must be tested by the Scriptures. You keep going back to the attitude of simply believing whatever certain men say, branding them as having a “richer unity with God.” We’re not just suppose to “find answers,” but abide in His truth. All truth goes back to Christ Himself. Jesus said, “I am the truth…” (Jn. 14:6). The Church is to be made up of those who have believed in Christ who is the truth, but the Church itself is not the truth.
The Catholic faith is just so reasonable, orderly, and makes so much sense, that those who are seeking for truth cannot help but realize that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church of God. Unfortunately, stubbourness and pride harden many hearts so that when they perceive the truth, they willfully reject it.
So you’re saying anyone who does not follow all that the Roman Catholic Church teaches do not follow the “truth” and are in spiritual darkness? Dreadfully deceived by their own stubbourness and pride.
These are the reasons why we Catholics are the way we are. If you have any questions in life, please look for an answer. Don’t let something as important as your soul be left to chance. Just remember that eternity is an awfully long time. Don’t you think your soul is worth a little searching?
I take it from this statement that you believe that anyone who is not a Roman Catholic is destined for hell. But, in truth. my soul has not been “left to chance.” I have personally believed in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on my behalf. I know without a doubt that ALL my sins have been forgiven by God through His substitutionary, sacrificial death on the cross (Col. 2:8-15) and I possess, now, eternal life (Jn. 3:16-18, 36) and will not come into judgment but have passed out of death into life (Jn. 5:24). In other words, I believe God’s word concerning His Son.

“They said therefore to Him, ‘What shall we do that we may work the works of God?’” Jesus answered and said to them, 'This is the work of God, that you believe in Him that He has sent" (Jn. 6:28-29).

Those on this thread say believe ALL that the Catholic church teaches, but I say believe all that God has said concerning His Son and test what men say concerning themselves.

Blessings to you,
Hello linus,
This, of course, is all basic Catholic doctrine. However, neither Paul, John, James or Luke in their writings teach the supremacy of Peter. Not even Peter teaches his own supremacy.
You forgot the gospel of Matthew where the authority of Peter is not taught but blatantly said by Jesus Himself. “He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter said in reply, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus said to him in reply, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’” (Matthew 16:15-19) One would think that Jesus giving to Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven would be proof enough to show his authority. Otherwise, why would Jesus have done this symbolic act? To deny the significance of this would basically be calling Jesus superficial and a showoff because He would be doing this just to get attention.
The Lord telling Peter to shepherd His flock does not in any way indicate a succession of Popes. There’s no record of Peter, or any Apostle, appointing a “successor.”
On the contrary, linus. In Acts 14:23, in reference to Paul and Barnabas, it says “They appointed presbyters for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, commended them to the Lord in whom they had put their faith.” Later, in Acts 20:28, it says “Keep watch over yourselves and over the whole flock of which the holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, in which you tend the church of God that he acquired with his own blood.” These lines clearly show that Paul appointed successors in the towns he visited so they would continue teaching in Jesus’ name. As far as the succession of Peter is concerned visit these links on EWTN’s website. Pedro Rodriguez, the author, explains much better than I can the primacy of Peter and the succession of the Papacy thereafter.
(Please continue to the next post.)>>>
(Thank you for continuing.)
You say “holier than the Apostles” as if to mean “pure.”
I meant faithful to God, not pure. These men had the greatest faith which is what led them to become martyrs for their faith. Thus, “holier than the Apostles” is my way of saying they were extremely faithful and holy.
All the Apostles had their flaws, as demonstrated in the Scriptural accounts. It’s the Scriptures themselves that are “inspired by God” (theopneustos, God-breathed), by which His truth is preserved for subsequent generations. Men are imperfect and tend to distort things. Even Paul had to rebuke Peter, as did the Lord. That’s why His truth was put down in “God-breathed” writing.
Of course, the apostles weren’t perfect. And, as you said, the whole, unabridged Bible is the word of God. However, the Apostles also were influenced in their teachings directly by God. That is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the Apostles; He wanted them to be filled with truth and to be enlightened for their missionary work. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you.” (John 14:15-17) Later, Jesus said nearly the same thing again about sending the Holy Spirit to them so they could teach in Jesus’ name unerringly, “The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name-- he will teach you everything and remind you of all that * told you.” (John 14:26) Although it wasn’t an appeal by Jesus to God for the Holy Spirit, Jesus knew that the Apostles would need God’s extra graces and aid to perform their works as missionaries. “I do not ask that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one. They do not belong to the world any more than I belong to the world. Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world. And I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth. I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one . . .” (John 17:15-22) Thus, the Apostles were also inspired and guided by God through the Holy Spirit to teach unerringly God’s Truth in all they did in preparation for Christianity. Just because their lives and missions weren’t recorded in the Gospels, the Apostles’ teachings shouldn’t be discounted or regarded as less important than what was taught by Jesus. The Acts of the Apostles is where their missionary and evangelizing works are recorded, as well as, all of the letters of the Apostles to the faithful whom they left behind. The fact that letters even had to be written to govern the people when they encountered a moment of uncertainty in their new faith is a testament in itself that the Apostles were there to guide the faithful. Like the Catholic Church is here for the faithful today.
Even the theologian, philosopher and apologist must be tested by the Scriptures.
I believe you mean “guided” don’t you. These scholarly men and woman are guided by the Scriptures, then they must make sure that they are in accordance with Church teaching. Because if one is in union with the Church (which has many more guidlines than Holy Writ), then they are truly in union with the Bible.
You keep going back to the attitude of simply believing whatever certain men say, branding them as having a “richer unity with God.” We’re not just suppose to “find answers,” but abide in His truth. All truth goes back to Christ Himself. Jesus said, “I am the truth…” (Jn. 14:6). The Church is to be made up of those who have believed in Christ who is the truth, but the Church itself is not the truth.
First of all, having an understanding of one’s faith doesn’t mean that a person is sidestepping the truths which Jesus gave us. Having a deeper understanding is beneficial in many ways, even if it does come from people who have “richer unity with God.” After all, shouldn’t those people who have been deemed credible be believed when they discover a truth which we haven’t? If they can’t be believed, then half of the prophets of the Old Testament should be removed because their closer, more intimate understanding of God and His teachings can’t be trusted. Extreme . . . probably. But this situation is in no way different from that in which a person discovers some new dogma or theology which is in accordance with the Church’s teachings and boundaries.
(Please continue to the next post.)>>>*
So you’re saying anyone who does not follow all that the Roman Catholic Church teaches do not follow the “truth” and are in spiritual darkness?
Nope. The Catholic Church is the ultimate authority of truth as it was constituted by Jesus on Peter as seen in Matthew 16: 15-19.
However, a person who believes in Jesus and lives a good life, practicing all Jesus teaches can also be saved. Consider it, if you will, as a club of sorts with different levels of membership. The Roman Catholic Church, being the direct descendent of Jesus and Peter is the Platinum membership. Those who are luke-warm Catholics are Gold members. The people who are Good, Practicing Christians are the Silver members. Finally, plain everyday christians who believe in Jesus without living it in their lives are the Basic membership owners. All will be admitted to heaven someday, but their levels of benefits and joy in Heaven will differ greatly because some didn’t give all they could to love God and attain the Platinum before their death.
Dreadfully deceived by their own stubbourness and pride.
If a person who has conducted a thorough search of religions and has arrived at the fact that the Roman Catholic Church is the one true church, but rejects it, then they are suffering from stubbourness and pride like the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. Even if a person hears something about the Catholic faith as being the one and true Church of God, yet they don’t search to see if it is correct; they are at fault for almost the same thing. Not exactly, because they didn’t openly reject Catholicism, but partially because they didn’t look to find the true faith of Jesus, so as to love Him the way He truly intended with their whole heart and soul in the Church He established for them.
I take it from this statement that you believe that anyone who is not a Roman Catholic is destined for hell.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Putting words in my mouth?!? For shame. I never uttered a sentence that even remotely hinted at this. People who believe in Jesus will undoubtedly be saved. But if a person learns of the Catholic faith and willingly rejects it, they are in trouble. God didn’t say “Accept the old, forget the new.” That was why Jesus came and established a Church on earth with Peter at its head. The new covenant created to sustain the Catholic faith for all time. The Papacy in Rome could be very well referred to in Romans 13:1-4 “Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgement upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear to good conduct, but to evil. Do you wish to have no fear of authority? Then do what is good and you will receive approval from it, for it is a servant of God for your good.”
(Please continue on to the next post, again.)>>>
(last post, thank you for reading all this.)>>
But, in truth. my soul has not been “left to chance.” I have personally believed in the Person and work of Jesus Christ on my behalf. I know without a doubt that ALL my sins have been forgiven by God through His substitutionary, sacrificial death on the cross (Col. 2:8-15) and I possess, now, eternal life (Jn. 3:16-18, 36) and will not come into judgment but have passed out of death into life (Jn. 5:24). In other words, I believe God’s word concerning His Son.
To what extent, though? To what point do you really believe what Jesus said and did? To the point where Martin Luther broke with the Catholic faith causing the Protestant Schism. To the point where the Lutherans rejected Martin Luther who repented to Catholicism. How about the Anglican church of England’s schism with Catholicism when King Henry VIII couldn’t marry Anne Bolyn? Or when the Puritans seperated from the Anglicans and were driven here to America on the Mayflower. As you can see, every Christian religion began with Cathoicism. How many books are removed from your bible? This is a good indicator of where a person stands on religion and how much they believe. “Let us not test Christ as some of them did, and suffered death by serpents. Do not grumble as some of them did, and suffered death by the destroyer. These things happened to them as an example, and they have been written down as a warning to us, upon whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing secure should take care not to fall.” (1 Corinthians 10:9-12) Know your faith. Study its history. Listen to Catholic converts from your same position. It may help.
“They said therefore to Him, ‘What shall we do that we may work the works of God?’” Jesus answered and said to them, 'This is the work of God, that you believe in Him that He has sent" (Jn. 6:28-29).
That wasn’t all Jesus said, "He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:15-16) Thus, the Church was created and missionaries were sent to bring about converts to what would become Catholicism.
Those on this thread say believe ALL that the Catholic church teaches, but I say believe all that God has said concerning His Son and test what men say concerning themselves.
Everything that the Roman Catholic Church teaches is what God has said. Clearly defined and plainly interpreted. That is what it is here for. Its not just a random collection of men who decide what Catholics can and can’t do, it is a unified body, the body of Christ as it were, that lives with the Holy Spirit as its guide. “As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.” (1Corinthians 12:12-13) How else can one explain why it was only Catholicism which has experienced miracles, prophecies, and apparitions in the last two thousand years. All of which were verified and proven as authentic amidst all the falsified attempts of fakers. Amidst persecution, strife, and hatred, no other religion has had as close unity or longevity as the Catholic Church has. That proves that it is the true faith, no contest.

One, Holy, Catholic (meaning universal), and Apostolic. These are the undeniable hallmarks of the one, true religion of Jesus Christ on earth.

Peace in Jesus,
(Matthew 16:15-19) One would think that Jesus giving to Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven would be proof enough to show his authority. Otherwise, why would Jesus have done this symbolic act? To deny the significance of this would basically be calling Jesus superficial and a showoff because He would be doing this just to get attention.
I tend to agree with Augustine (and many others) that the “rock” Jesus was referring to was Peter’s confession - not Peter himself. As for “binding and loosing” that authority was expressed not just to Peter but all of the Apostles (see Matt. 18:18). This was unique Apostolic authority but only in confomity to God’s will.
On the contrary, linus. In Acts 14:23, in reference to Paul and Barnabas, it says “They appointed presbyters for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, commended them to the Lord in whom they had put their faith.”
These were appointed “elders,” along with “deacons” in churches Paul planted. They were contemporary with Peter, Paul and the rest of the Apostles, so none could be their “successors” (replacements). You’re rationalizing.
Thus, the Apostles were also inspired and guided by God through the Holy Spirit to teach unerringly God’s Truth in all they did in preparation for Christianity.
Certainly the Holy Spirit, sent to be our “Helper” worked through the Apostles in their missionary work. In fact, the Book of Acts would be more accurately called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit (through the Apostles).” But ONLY the WRITINGS of the Old and New Testaments are consider “inspired,” i.e.,* theopneustos*, “God-breathed” (2 Tim. 3:16). We have at our disposal, preserved down through the subsequent generations following the Apostles, an inerrant, Holy Spirit, God-breathed, immutable record of the faith once for delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). Hence, all teachings of men must be tested by the inerrant, written Word of God.
I believe you mean “guided” don’t you. These scholarly men and woman are guided by the Scriptures, then they must make sure that they are in accordance with Church teaching. Because if one is in union with the Church (which has many more guidlines than Holy Writ), then they are truly in union with the Bible.
NO, I did mean *“tested” *, i.e., appraised. These men are producing their own thoughts and they must be tested by what God has already preserved for us in His written Word. To be in union with a church does necessarily guarantee union with the Bible. There was a time when the majority of the catholic Bishops followed Arianism.
That was why Jesus came and established a Church on earth with Peter at its head. The new covenant created to sustain the Catholic faith for all time. The Papacy in Rome could be very well referred to in Romans 13:1-4
No, it’s referring to governmental authorities. Paul talks about taxes within the context (vs. 6-7).
However, a person who believes in Jesus and lives a good life, practicing all Jesus teaches can also be saved. Consider it, if you will, as a club of sorts with different levels of membership. The Roman Catholic Church, being the direct descendent of Jesus and Peter is the Platinum membership. Those who are luke-warm Catholics are Gold members. The people who are Good, Practicing Christians are the Silver members. Finally, plain everyday christians who believe in Jesus without living it in their lives are the Basic membership owners. All will be admitted to heaven someday, but their levels of benefits and joy in Heaven will differ greatly because some didn’t give all they could to love God and attain the Platinum before their death.
WOW… that’s quite a theory you’ve developed there, my friend. Is this official Catholic teaching or just your own? Have you run this by the Pope?

Oh, by the way, I have “tested” your theory against God’s immutable, written Word and found it wanting.

Continued from post below:
To what extent, though? To what point do you really believe what Jesus said and did?
To the full extent of He fully procuring my eternal salvation through His propitiatory, vicarious sin-sacrifice on the cross. That He was delivered up because of my transgressions and was raised because of my justification; and therefore having been justified by faith I have peace with God through my Lord Jesus Christ, through whom I have obtained my introduction by faith into this grace in which I now stand; and I exult in the hope of the glory of God (Rom. 4:25-5:1-2) having no righteousness of my own but that which comes from God on the basis of faith (Phil. 3:9). To the extent that I know it is all of Him and none of Me, and because of that I serve Him; not for personal gain but out of love for Him.
Thus, the Church was created and missionaries were sent to bring about converts to what would become Catholicism.
No, Jesus told them they would be HIS witnesses (Acts 1:8), they would testify of Him, not Catholicism. That “in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace” (Eph. 1:7). And that “In Him, we also, after listening to the message of the truth, the gospel (good news) of our salvation – having also believed, we were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge (or, down payment) of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God’s own possession, to the praise of His glory” (Eph. 1:13-14).

Peace to you
You must read the writings of the Early Church Fathers to realize just how clear the succession from Peter to the present day is. The real writings of such people as Clement of Rome, Justin Martyr, Iraneus of Lyons, and Ignatius of Antioch contain the names of the successors of Peter and the years when they were appointed. I will not even get into the clarity in which they teach clearly Catholic doctrine (in fact, Ignatius was the first to use the term “Catholic” (in a different language of course)).

As for the Peter is the Rock arguement, there is clear evidence that Peter was the Rock that Jesus spoke of. For example, the Protestant position is that petros means “small rock or pebble”. In reality, there is no difference between petra and petros in Koine Greek (the language in which the Bible was written. Lithos is the word for “small rock” or “pebble”. Further, Jesus and His Apostles spoke in Aramaic. In Aramaic, which Jesus would have been speaking, there is no gender. The word for large rock or boulder is Kepha. Hence, Jesus would have said, “You are Kepha and on this kepha I will build my Chruch.”

One, Holy, Catholic (meaning universal), and Apostolic. These are the undeniable hallmarks of the one, true religion of Jesus Christ on earth.
“This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
I, too, am in RCIA at the moment and I also believe everything the church teaches whether I understand it or not. The reason being, so many things I did not understand about Catholicism in the beginning (coming from a Protestant background) now make sense to me when properly and kindly explained.

I did not understand the need for confession to a priest (why not simply go directly to God?) but now I look forward to the day when I can experience confession. I did not understand some teachings about Mary but now feel so close to her through the rosary and love knowing that she is my mother also. I did not understand the importance of the saints but now look to them as wonderful examples and helpers.

So many things did not make sense to me in the beginning but they do now so I fully believe that the Church knows best through it’s years of experience and I am open to all that it teaches. I am in awe of all that the Church knows and teaches.

I would not want to belong to a faith where I only believe bits and pieces.

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