As Goes California

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New Jersey Governor Richard Codey wants to spend $380 million of state taxpayer funds on stem cell research, primarily in an attempt to attract biotech investment dollars to New Jersey. This is just the latest example of states wanting to jump onto the stem cell research bandwagon, after California’s passage of Proposition 71. States such as Illinois and Wisconsin have already moved to fund stem cell research, with others including Connecticut and Delaware likely to follow. California and others propose spending huge sums of money on embryonic stem cell and cloning research, hoping for large returns on their investment and cures for patients. Yet the scientific evidence doesn’t back up these expectations. Embryonic stem cells and so-called therapeutic cloning have yielded little besides mice with tumors. Focusing on embryonic stem cell and cloning research only lines the pockets of a few researchers and biotech companies with taxpayer funds, and builds false hopes for patients.

– Mark L. Chance.
With our liberal governor, senators, and Chicago mayor we will try to out spend California on this. We have a very large Catholic population but most of them don’t see the need to follow all the Church teachings, just the ones that don’t inconvenience them.
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