As we approach next month the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae do you have any thoughts to share?

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During the French revolution, one of the"leaders" reportedly told an assistant, Find out where my people are going today, since I can lead them there.

This is the kind of leadership people get from many denominations now.
As I wrote it- nfp is not mandatory, the information that and why contraception is not allowed is important and in my eyes enough. A focus on other parts of marital relations may have more impact.
As I wrote it- nfp is not mandatory
So are you saying that contraception is permissible?
No, I’d imagine they were implying that just letting things happen is permissible, too.
Once contraception in marriage got to be a big thing, gay “marriage” was right around the corner. Take children out of heterosexual marriage, and it’s harder to argue persuasively against anything else.
The widespread acceptance of contraception, especially by every Christian denomination which ever since the Reformation had the exact same teaching as the Catholic Church—up until 1930—that acceptance enabled the sexual revolution and all the chaos which followed from it.

Those who did not live through it from the beginning may scarcely be aware of the continuing consequences. For those who are interested, Mary Eberstadt outlines them in this recent artticle:

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