Asian Tsunami - Sign from God?

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Hi, I would like to hear all of your views on this.

Recently, many people have been talking about whether the Tsunami disaster of 2612 is a sign from God or not. Many people are speculating that this may signify the end of the world drawing near, and I’ve heard stories from both sides. I would like to hear what you guys have to say about this.

God bless
My pastor did his sermon on this last Sunday. i have to agree with him: God didn’t cause it, nature did. Yes God created nature, but by itself nature is self sufficient. It’s like when a tornado goes blowing through some small town. Is God punishing the town or is it just nature?
the tsunami is a sign to those living on the “rim of fire” that if you live in a place that is within the earthquake zone sooner or later volcanic eruptions and all their devastating effects are a distinct possibility. You have to decide if the benefits of climate, fertile soil, jobs, whatever outweigh the dangers of living in this zone. If you live on the gulf coast or eastern seaboard of the US sooner or later you will experience the effects of a hurricane, you have to decide if the benefits outweigh the dangers. If you live in the upper midwest, sooner or later you are going to go through a blizzard, and will experience hazardous driving conditions through 4 months of the year. Are the benefits of living there greater than the dangers? Living on earth is full of hazards of every kind, 98% of which we are helpless to protect against. It is a condition of life. As for those who died, none of us has a warning, each of us must always maintain our soul ready for death and judgement-you know not the day nor the hour. The tsunami victims are consigned to the mercy of God–what condition outside heaven could be greater and safer?

for any human to state categorically that the tsunami is God’s judgement against sinful people is presumption of the worst kind and borders on blasphemy. Even the Church does not presume to judge whether those who have died are condemned, only to judge on the basis of virtue those who have been raised to heaven.
I’ve heard Hindus say that it was definitely because of the bad karma of the people living there, including residual from bad things they did in previous lives.

I think I like the Catholic approach better. Bad things, including natural disasters, sometimes happen to good and bad people alike. Our faith helps us to respond to those things. And we trust that some good will ultimately come of it.

This is not to discount that God could use a natural disaster as a sign, or that there will be great signs and wonders accompanying the end times… but I think God will make that unmistakable. People won’t have to ask whether or not it was a sign from God, because it will be pretty clear.
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