Otherwise its one more rejection waiting to happen.
Thanks for posting Arthur. It’s embarrassing, but even with high functioning Aspergers, there are challenges. It’s funny but people talking loud or fast are one of them. And I share this in part for the benefit of other aspies in the world, and for the understanding of all the great posters here on CAF.
The other day I was in a tire store waiting for them to put on some tires I bought. Suddenly this lady sitting next to me out of the blue, started spouting out all these crazy conspiracy theories. About the world trade center attacks, various politicians. I felt trapped, she just went on and on. I knew I had to get out of there so I set an alarm on my cell phone and when it went off, I pretended that it was a call I had to take and ran out!
I generally can only stay around a giant crowd or in a mall for so long, then I gotta go. Typically at seminars and so on there are breaks, at meetings I squirm, but I am conscious of it, so I try to make it look causal.
When I am by myself, or I think I am, I might repeat phrases over and over. I generally try to say something positive like “I love you Jesus, love you, love you…” It used to be “I hate myself, I…” But as a Catholic I know this is destructive, and I replaced it with something positive. I keep it well concealed but on something like a long flight or a long drive, I slip up.
In social situations it is best to have a couple of glasses of wine, whether I want it or not, otherwise it would get awkward. Drinking too much would allow slip ups. I could go on forever. I hope that people watch the short Arthur clip that are interested, it is very good. Thanks for posting it!
PS: rejection. It is a big thing, but Im sure it is with nurotypical people as well. It was really tough in elementary and middle school. I hated it so much. It was pure hell. This is before the spectrum was understood well. They knew something was up with me, they just were not sure what it was. I got into several fights. Don’t even get me started with dating…