Assassinations of microbiologists "biblical."

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It’s a scenario right out of John’s Apocalypse. The total for 2004 is fifteen top microbiologists and epidemiologists assassinated internationally. The New Age crypto-satanists have openly preached a “cleansing” of the Earth. Barbara Marx Hubbard, '84 vice-presidential candidate, author of the New Age book Revelations, and heir to the Marx toy fortune, is one such proponent of genocide. So is New Ager Prince Charles, who has wished that, at his death, a microbe would arise from his corpse that will kill the masses.

Their “forcible removal to a higher plane” policy is being effected with the slaying of front-line scientists who could cure man-made plagues. Both Barbara Marx Hubbard and Prince Charles have links to atheistic Russia through deceased financier Armand Hammer, benefactor of the Gore family through his Continental Oil. VP Al Gore saw to it that the Teapot Dome Strategic Oil Reserves, subject of a major scandal under President Warren G. Harding, was quietly transferred to Continental Oil, putting America further at risk by Arab-funded genocidal Islam.

As Our Lady of the Rosary said at Fatima, without the episcopal consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, Russia will spread her errors, leading to the “annihilation” of nations. The consecration and her conversion of Russia were given as the “only” means to peace. Those who chose “death and cursing” are poised to surpass the record-setting atheistic genocide of the twentieth century. As Our Lady directed, “Pray the daily Rosary for peace.” Pray BIG! “Ye have not because ye ask not.” Ask! Seek! Knock!

If the great painters of the Renaissance were systematically being exterminated, one presumes there would be a popular hue and cry. The assassination of scientific geniuses has taken place under the radar with the collusion of the liberal media. Pray that all have an appetite for truth, and that the truth will out.

Blessed Virgin Mary, pierced with a sword of sorrow that the thoughts of all may be revealed, expose all thoughts, cleansing them in the fire of love which is your Son, Jesus Christ’s Sacred Heart. AMEN
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