That’s a very valid grievance CCcm. The “work of fiction” disclaimer aside, there is some factual history mixed in with the fiction, but it isn’t made clear to players what is and isn’t fact, and anyone below the age of 15 (i.e. most of the fanbase) isn’t going to know any better. Many of the people who play video games like this allow it to warp their views on history regardless, because they’re more often than not impressionable children, and then you’re left with Christian parents wondering why their children begin to espouse anti-Christian attitudes that are regarded as “good” in the video games they play for dozens of hours each week, and our society only reinforces those twisted views.
It’s too bad, because I do like some of the earlier AC games for various reasons. I’m currently doing a playthrough of AC2, and while there is some terribly anti-Christian things in that game (e.g. Jesus Christ supposedly using magical artifact to make it look like he performed miracles, was crucified, and resurrected… that’s not presented as a character’s opinion, but the “truth”), I do enjoy the 15th century architecture, tense combat/chases, art you can collect, etc. Also, to be fair, many of the “evil” characters in the earlier games reveal themselves to be atheists who became Catholic clerics/politicians for power, but at the end of the day, it is a game with an anti-Christian slant created by a largely non-Christian development team, but that’s most video games today.
Ultimately, we should distance ourselves from the video game industry altogether.