Association With Heretics?

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Being truly Christian, more precisely Catholic, means living in a desert. There will always be disparity between you. Spend what time you want or need to with your friend, but spend more time with God in prayer for the sake of your friend. Even Jesus left the crowds. Even being a faithful Catholic among other Catholics can be quite isolating when few practice or truly try to give their heart to God. Those you discover that do are spending their time in prayer, study, ministry or something that brings about holiness. Even many of the Saints were dispised by their own brothers and sisters in their orders, not just homes. They were mocked and ridiculed. Living out your faith requires much commitment. How holy to do want to be?
most of my friends at uni are non belivers aethiests and lapsed catholics. I even know one pagan who tires her best to bait me to make me say she’s going to hell or what not.

By not being afraid to talk about my religion i have gotten asked questsions about it and have even got one lapsed catholic contemplating the rosary sometimes !!

if we isolate ourselves from the world then we cannot change it !!
i wonder why he would like to shake your faith? Is it because he thinks his beliefs are superior?

Most of the time peoiple do such things out of ignorance… IIf people knew the power of the Catholic faith, they would convert.

Its as simple as that…
So why do Catholics attempt to “shake the faith of others” , and these take many forms. Would it not be because they think that their beliefs are superior?
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