At Mass, do you receive both the Body and Blood of Christ?

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according to most theologians-you are receiving both even when you just take the Body.
According to ALL theoogians I hope! Nobody disputes this, but it is the mind of the Church that the Eucharistic celebration is more complete when both species are received. This is made clear in “The Sacred Constitutions” Chapter 2 Section 3B:
““Holy Communion…has a fuller form when it is received under both kinds” Under this form … the sign of the eucharistic banquet appears more perfectly”

This is repeated in the Catholic Catechism(1390): " The sign of Communion is more complete when given under both kinds"

What is disturbing is the refusal of some clergy to allow the faithful to receive under both kinds. Do they regard themselves as superior to the magisterium?
Silly question. No matter how you take communion or which form you get the Body and Blood.
But, I always take both types,
Kathleen Elsie Gibbs
Pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy daily
I receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread.
I hope this is not a silly or offensive question but I am very curious. I grew up in the United Church of Christ (planning to begin RCIA in September though) and we are baptized, confirmed and take communion. However, we do not drink from one glass but had specially made trays filled with many tiny glasses which were passed around and each person had their own. Is there a special significance to everyone drinking from one glass in a Catholic church? Also, does it ever get emptied before everyone has had a sip and if so, do they simply refill it?

Last summer was my first time at a Catholic mass as part of a Catholic wedding and so I was very surprised to see everyone drinking from one glass in this day and age and notice that many people did not participate in that part of it and assumed it was probably for sanitary reasons. Obviously I did not participate but it was very interesting to me to observe. I do respect your views of being protected by Christ, etc. and that it is fine to drink from one glass. This is just all very new to me and I am curious.
Is there a special significance to everyone drinking from one glass in a Catholic church? Also, does it ever get emptied before everyone has had a sip and if so, do they simply refill it?
We drink from one chalis (a cup specially designated to hold consecrated wine) as a sign of our unity in christ. We are all from the same vine, we are all part of the same body. I believe St Paul takes up the question and asks 'do we not all drink from one cup? ’

It is against canon law to pour consecrated wine from one chalis to another. (danger of spilling and not showing full respect for the sacred species). So if one is emptied, another minister of the cup may take his place, or there may be no wine offered to those who remain. There is no great reservoir of consecrated wine from which to get more.

Good question though. Generally people are asked not to recieve from the chalis should they be sick or feeling the beginnings of a cold.
I do not receive from the Chalice, because I can’t stand the taste of wine (I know it’s not wine anymore, but my tongue doesn’t know it), I don’t want there to be ANY chance of me dropping it. Also, I will not chew the Host and do not want to receive from the Chalice with the Host still in my mouth- I don’t know why- I’ve just never liked drinking something when I still have food in my mouth. I’m not really a big fan of drinking after people either.
Just the Body. According to the priest at my TLM parish, receiving both species isn’t traditional.

my Mother my Confidence,
I do not receive from the Chalice, because I can’t stand the taste of wine (I know it’s not wine anymore, but my tongue doesn’t know it), I don’t want there to be ANY chance of me dropping it. Also, I will not chew the Host and do not want to receive from the Chalice with the Host still in my mouth- I don’t know why- I’ve just never liked drinking something when I still have food in my mouth. I’m not really a big fan of drinking after people either.
All very reasonable and worldly reasons. According to John 6, Jesus said, ‘unless you chew my body and drink my blood…’ so I think chewing the host is acceptable. The hosts we use at easter NEED to be chewed, and for some time in order to swallow them, that is a real meal.
None of the above!

I receive Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ, all contained within the Sacred Host 😉
Ditto for me. 🙂
Everyone who recieves communion under either form or recieves the body and blood. Jesus is compete-body and blood, in both.
If you really believed that Christ was fully present in both species and asked us to share these, why would you ever have to worry about catching something? Don’t you trust Christ?
Because some of us believe that in addition to Christ, germs are fully present on the very tangible chalice from which we must drink and/or dip the host.
Just the Body. According to the priest at my TLM parish, receiving both species isn’t traditional.

my Mother my Confidence,
Depends on what tradition his wishes to cite.
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