Atheism, Religion, and Crime

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Incest does not necessarily cause inbreeding, just as a heterosexual relationship doesn’t necessarily cause birth. If you’re going to be intolerant, you can at least make up some good reasons. 😉
  1. It is Immoral.
  2. Christians do not “HATE” Sinners, we love them, we are to be Merciful, this is against charity. We Tolerate what is Just.
I’ll give you a short story from the Bible.

There was a woman who was caught in the “ACT” of adultery. (red-handed)
Seeking to “trick” Jesus (they always did this in order to prove them wrong) they asked him, “Teacher, Teacher. This woman was caught in the act of Adultery, should we stone her?”(In old Jewish law, many sins were Punishable by death you see)
Jesus acted like he didn’t hear them, sat down, and started writing in the Sand.
Again, they Told him, and asked him if we should stone her.
Jesus then Got up and said “Let the man that has not sinned Once, cast the First stone”
And one by one each of the men Left.
Jesus then looked at the Woman and said " And you? Has no man Condemned you?
She responded “No, Lord.”
“Then neither do I condemn you”

we’re all sinners, Trust in the Lords Mercy.
Compare that to say In Islamic Shariah Law (like Catholic, Canon Law) where if a woman is caught with a man that is Not of her family she is liable to be stoned for Adultery? Even if said man was just a friend.

I think Jesus is much more merciful.
Yes, even a scientis should Know Inbreeding is wrong, because it would cause Genetic Problems.
It is Wrong, it always was Wrong.
Murder is wrong, it always was wrong.
Stealing from the Poor is wrong, it always was wrong.
Maybe you can explain what went down with Adam and eve’s kids
If all human life spawned from Adam and Eve then how did their children encounter other humans they didn’t know when they went walking around?
If all human life spawned from Adam and Eve then how did their children encounter other humans they didn’t know when they went walking around?
It seems to me that they must have either bred with non-humans (bestiality) or with one another (incest). So I’m still wondering if incest was always wrong. God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. Was God commanding them to sin?
It seems to me that they must have either bred with non-humans (bestiality) or with one another (incest). So I’m still wondering if incest was always wrong. God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. Was God commanding them to sin?
For that matter if Eve was created from Adams rib then they’d share the same DNA so when they had children he would have really been inbreeding with himself in a way. Yuck. I’m also still confused on how they met people from other family’s not born from adam and eve or their decendents.
For that matter if Eve was created from Adams rib then they’d share the same DNA so when they had children he would have really been inbreeding with himself in a way. Yuck. I’m also still confused on how they met people from other family’s not born from adam and eve or their decendents.
Plenty of Theories on this one my Friend, we weren’t there when Adam and Eve were made. Nor were we there when they fell into original sin.

Theory 1. G-d Intervened to stop the Harmful Genetic Reccessives from harming the early human population. (You Athiests would Probably dismiss that) Seeing as G-d is in charge of our Genetics.

Theory 2. Before Original sin, such Defects were never pausible, after the Fall, (when Death became a pausibility) There Was Dental Degeneration (Teeth changed to be able to consume meat, since before the Fall Death was no pausible, After the Fall Death is Pausible, and we could eat meat)

Thoery 3. The Gene-Code in Adam and Eve was more “Pure” Compared to modern day (this could attribute to their Long Life Span) however as time went on, the consequences of Sin could have become Manifest in our own Gene Code.

Theory 4. Our Gene Code could have been Attacked from an Outside source.
ex. The Devil’s Fallen Angels, Offspring with Human = DISTURBED Genetic Sequence. (This is also where certain individuals that were Different then Humans for example the “GIANT” Goliath, could have been Pausible. Thus in the Past there could have been NO Defects, later on there could have been a tampered Gene Pool.

"Probably A decendent of Anak in Numbers 13:33. When Lucifer was kicked out of heaven with a 3rd of the angels. The enemy knew of the prophecy of the coming Messiah in Gen 3:15 and sought to contaminate the women so they were having producing children with the daughters of men. The offsprings were all giants on the land. Goliath was the last giant slain by David. "

Probably a ploy by the Devil to stop the Gene-Pool, thus if Messiah (Jesus) were born, there would be Fallen Angelic Presence in the Gene-Pool.

However, that was a failed ploy.
Also, Incest became sin when G-d said it would be sin.
AKA. the Revelation of the Law to Moses at Mt. Sinai.
G-d well knew that the only way to start a population would have been through Adam an Eve’s kids. It was sin after the Law of Moses.
G-d well knew that the only way to start a population would have been through Adam an Eve’s kids.
Or, he could have just grabbed some more dirt and created more humans from it. That’s what he did with Adam, right? If incest is so detestable, why would he ever make it necessary (although nothing would be necessary with God’s power)?
Also, Incest became sin when G-d said it would be sin.
AKA. the Revelation of the Law to Moses at Mt. Sinai.
G-d well knew that the only way to start a population would have been through Adam an Eve’s kids. It was sin after the Law of Moses.
You said before that it was always wrong. Now you are saying it used to be right but now it is wrong. I suppose you would say the same thing about God telling the Israelites that they could buy slaves from neighboring tribes. It sounds like it is you who is the moral relativist.

So I was reading a book the other day, and it said that God doesn’t exist. It also said that unicorns frolic in the fields when we aren’t looking. Yep, it’s fun to blindly trust books and not have to think for yourself and face reality.

If you want to really think for yourself, you would have to go back into the caves. Men have been thinking the thoughts of others ever since language was created. Many scientists a hundred years ago even thought the universe was eternal and infinite, only because they read that in some atheist’s little black book. It was the Big Bang theory that informed them to think otherwise. Imagine that! Science converging with Genesis … three thousand years after Genesis was written.

“Let there be light!” :newidea:

Are you going to answer my question?

Can you think of an instance when incest would be right?
If you want to really think for yourself, you would have to go back into the caves. Men have been thinking the thoughts of others ever since language was created. Many scientists a hundred years ago even thought the universe was eternal and infinite, only because they read that in some atheist’s little black book. It was the Big Bang theory that informed them to think otherwise. Imagine that! Science converging with Genesis … three thousand years after Genesis was written.

“Let there be light!” :newidea:
Yeah, you go have fun in your fantasy world where you can imagine that every coincidence somehow plays in your favor and that every theory is equally probable. Sorry, but I’m going to trust scientists who test their theories over Christians who follow a doctrine that directly prohibits “testing” God. I wonder why they’re so afraid to test him… 😉 Perhaps it’s because the Church officials know it’s bogus?
Yeah, you go have fun in your fantasy world where you can imagine that every coincidence somehow plays in your favor and that every theory is equally probable. Sorry, but I’m going to trust scientists who test their theories over Christians who follow a doctrine that directly prohibits “testing” God. I wonder why they’re so afraid to test him… 😉 Perhaps it’s because the Church officials know it’s bogus?
No… You don’t test G-d. Cuz then it shows a lack of faith. Your Encouraged to Seek answers, the Church doesn’t want people to take a blind leap of faith. Testing G-d. Shows no faith at all.
Think about. if we COULD understand everything about G-d. And our minds could comprehend Everything. G-d would not be big enough to be worshipped.

I got that from a quote.
If G-d were big enough to be proven.
He would not be big enough to be worshipped.
Or, he could have just grabbed some more dirt and created more humans from it. That’s what he did with Adam, right? If incest is so detestable, why would he ever make it necessary (although nothing would be necessary with God’s power)?
The Church teaches against Polygenism (the Idea there were OTHERS, before adam and Eve, (correct me if I’m wrong fellow Catholics)
Adam and Eve ARE our First Parents.
We can not understand G-d’s mystery.
You said before that it was always wrong. Now you are saying it used to be right but now it is wrong. I suppose you would say the same thing about God telling the Israelites that they could buy slaves from neighboring tribes. It sounds like it is you who is the moral relativist.
Re: Adam + Eve + Incest

Indeed, the divine law does not change. Incest in the direct line (child/parent/grandparent) is against the divine law and is intrinsically wrong.

Incest in the collateral line (siblings/cousins/etc) is not intrinsically wrong-- and as you have pointed out was allowed for a time in Genesis. It was later proscribed due to sin in the world-- it became necessary. It is not part of the divine law-- and even today is merely regulated by canon law and it can be dispensed.

Polygamy has never been part God’s Law. The Jews-- like the pagans around them allowed it-- along with divorce-- through their own earthly authority. Remember, Jesus chastized the Jews for their denigration of marriage and says “in the beginning it was not so”. Jesus restores marriage to what it was originally.

Pax, ke

Found this from another thread. :cool:
Moral nihilism is not the “logical conclusion of atheism.” I haven’t seen any good reasons to think that morality cannot exist without God. I agree that many secular systems of morality are without foundation. But showing that many secular systems of morality are baseless no more shows the impossibility of morality without God than showing that many religions were merely created by man proves that there could not be a God. I actually think that morality makes much more sense under atheism than under theism.
I was not simply referring to a few secular moral systems; I was simply using those as examples of secular moralities that fail to hold water. There is no possibility of an atheistic morality. That is not simply the opinion of religious propagandists; Nietzsche, perhaps the most incisive philosopher who ever lived (in my opinion) and one of the few atheisti philosophers (or philosophers of any kind) worth reading, insisted, quite forcefully and quite persuasively, that morality and theology are bound tightly together. In an atheist, materialist world, morality is nothing more than a collection of habits, developed and inherited, and guilt nothing more than a conflict between the id and the superego. The pang you get when you see children starving to death in third-world countries is as significant as an erection, or the feeling disgust that results from the smell exuded by a sewage plant. You would argue that once a naive religious person becomes aware of the falsity of his religion, he would abandon it. Well, I’m saying that once an atheist becomes aware of the fact (in his mind at least) that his conscience is no wiser than his penis or his stomach, and its urgings carry no more authority than his desire, then he may as well cease to listen to it.

You insist that an atheist can have a reason not to kill, rape, or steal other than that it feels bad not to do such things (for some people, it feels good to kill, rape, or steal. Why should anyone have a problem with this? To most people homosexual romance is disgusting, but we tolerate this difference in preference) or because of peer pressure not to commit such actions. I don’t see how there can be such a reason. You’re morality would be a meaningless, malleable impulse, meaning your current indignation about Christians behaving improperly makes as much sense as getting indignant toward a piece of excrement for smelling bad.
If you think that the theme is summarized by that line, then say that. Don’t say “As Dostoevski put it” to make it seem like he actually said that. If you knowingly quote someone as saying something they never said, that is dishonest. It doesn’t matter whether they might have agreed with it. I can’t just make up any anti-religion quote I want and attribute it to Hitchens, just because he’d probably agree with it.
I furthermore think it’s a pretty silly thing to bring up to begin with. Why does it matter what one writer thought of atheists? It would almost be like me saying that some guy I know once said that religion is evil as if that should convince anyone that it is.
Well, it was actually someone else, not me, who used this quote earlier in the thread. But anyway, there is nothing dishonest about using the saying in order to convey the theme of the work, so long as one doesn’t put in quotes and imply that exactly that was said. And it is not simply my opinion about the theme of this work. There are several conversations that take place between Alyosha and Ivan and between Alyosha and Mitya discussing the implication of a godless universe that can be paraphrased by this adage. I’m not familiar with any literary critics who would doubt what the general theme of the book was, and it is not uncommon for them to summarize themes using quotes like this one (and I know several critics have used it).

Also, the very reason people utilize these famous aphorisms is because of the authority of those who wrote (or said) them. Dostoevsky wasn’t just one guy; he was one of the most talented writers (and some would say one of the greatest thinkers, though he probably would’ve hated to be called a philosopher) in recent history.
Is that not exactly what has always happens? British Empire, Roman Empire, Spanish Empire, French Empire, Portuguese Empire, Dutch Empire and were these not all Christian empires? Was the USA always populated by white christians, or did those caches of weapons see to that?
It amuses me when people like to imagine that had their kind ruled the world, things would’ve been different. Of course, the fact is, people were violent and imperialistic during the ages of the empires you mentioned. What happens when you remove Christianity? Remember the French Revolution? How peaceful and loving were the secularists at the head of that movement? About as much so as, or even less than the “Christian” Empires.

And their skeptic king, Napoleon? Was he less tyrannical? Did he not lead hundreds of thousands to their cold deaths just because the Tsar defied him? I’m not even going to bother to mention the Russian revolution or the Khmer Rouge. For thousands of years people of every religion and no religion have slaughtered people en masse for power, wealth and prestige. I’d be surprised if you were so naive as to not know the famous saying about how power corrupts. History affirms it. However, what you may have failed to notice is that the bastions of disbelief have always been the classes of the oppressors.

What also deserves mentioning is the fact that, before being absorbed in imperialistic feudal culture of the dark ages, Christianity was for several centuries a vehicle of social progress and virtue with an unprecedented level of genuineness and effectiveness in an age when it was customary for respectable people to go to a stadium to watch human being be tied to a pole and torn apart by lions. As much as many naive people would like think that Christianity made people evil, the fact, is greed, imperialist, and brutality were the status quo. That any force would lead people to renounce such characteristics should be considered remarkable.

And aside from the gruesome examples of ecclesiastical atrocities, there are many scholars that have suggested that religion is a crucial part of a functional society. Historian Will Durant, himself either an atheist or agnostic, believed that once civilizations abandoned their religion in their state of “modernity” (our civilization would not be the first to go through this stage), the civilization would fall shortly thereafter. Oswald Spengler viewed secularism as another type of religious development that happened at a certain stage in a culture’s history, and a temporary one at that. Leo Strauss and Allan Bloom, both agnostics I believe, advocated religion as a fundamental basis for morality and therefore law. Nietzsche had perhaps the most scathing opinion of secular humanism (a category that includes virtually all atheists nowadays) of anyone with whom I’m familiar.

Furthermore, what does it matter to you what all these empires have done? You’re indignation is pointless. If God is dead, then who makes the values? The powerful do. The “Grand Inquisitors”, the nobleman, the rulers define the value of a human life. Foucault observed a trend like this and seemed disappointed by it. Nietzsche observed it and advocated it wholeheartedly. Who are you, then, to say that what any of those empires were wrong in the subjugation of the world? As Nietzsche’s versions of Christ said “The law was for servants… What have we sons of God to do with morals?” Why shouldn’t the elite seek to forge great empire, reap tremendous wealth, and mold superior races of men in place of savages? Your secular humanism is nothing but shoddily constructed delusion. There are really only two options: the simple selfless piety of Dostoevsky’s protagonist Alyosha Karamazov, and the Nietzschean nihilism in which “God-men” like Friedrich the Great of Prussia or Napoleon create values and forge their destinies, using whatever “slaves” (the majority of humanity according to Nietzsche) as fodder for their epics. There is nothing in between these to points of view. You stand in an intellectual abyss.

And aside from the gruesome examples of ecclesiastical atrocities, there are many scholars that have suggested that religion is a crucial part of a functional society. Historian Will Durant, himself either an atheist or agnostic, believed that once civilizations abandoned their religion in their state of “modernity” (our civilization would not be the first to go through this stage), the civilization would fall shortly thereafter.



The French Revolution was an Entire persecution against christianity, in the Hope of making an entirely Secular Kingdom.

This same thing happenead to my Country (portugal) though not as Violent as teh French Rev.

The 1st Portuguese Republic (Monarchy was gone Republic was in Early 1900’s from WW1 and a little later) Was COMPLETELY secular. Im not sure if they persecuted Christians or not, but the Country became ALL secular. and the Church was VERY restricted (If not Persecuted) After their involvement with the allies during WW1, a Military General (Salazar) Marched into the Capital with an Army. (Similar to Napolean yes?)

He restored the church (people were happy, just like Napolean restored the Church to the people) He used that Popularity boost from restoring the Church to Establish his 2nd “Reppublic of Portugal” It then rather became a Nationalist Regime. the “Estado Novo” -New World Order/Regime- Portugal had colonies of East Timor Goe (Now part of India) Macau (part of China) Angola, Guinea Bisseu, and Mosambique, (Brazil broke off a century or so before) After Fighting Guerilla attacks in its Colonies it then had a very Peaceful Revolution (Revolucao dos Crabos) -Carnation Revolution- (A Rebellion, but very peaceful, the weapons of the Soldiers were fitted with Carnations at the nozzel. (This is also during the time 1917, that Our lady of Fatima Apparitions Apeared, The Revolution was in the 1970’s however, so the Regime lasted for a good long while…

The Point is, I agree, there is a deffinet Patern of, the Fall of a secular Republic, and then rise of a Dictator/Emperor/Tyrant.

Here is a direct quote from Dostoevski’s Brothers Karamazov.

If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up. Moreover, nothing then would be immoral; everything would be lawful, even cannibalism.

Substitute the word “God” for “immortality” (there cannot be immortality without God), and you have essentially:

“If there is no God, everything is permitted.” 👍

Eminent scholars everywhere have accepted this formulation of what Dostoevski said.

Do you think eminent scholars everywhere are dishonest in this case?

Or do you think they are exercising poetic license?
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