Atheist sues to ban hand on Bible

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Atheist sues to ban hand on Bible
By Jon Ward
THE WASHINGTON TIMES The California lawyer who tried to have the phrase “under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance now wants to legally prevent President Bush from placing his hand on a Bible while being sworn in at his inauguration.

Michael Newdow, an atheist doctor and lawyer from Sacramento, has filed a complaint and a motion for preliminary injunction in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeking to remove prayer and all “Christian religious acts” from the Jan. 20 inauguration.

Go here for the entire article:
I have one small piece of advice for that moro…, person. If you don’t want to go to the inauguration, DON’T!
Atheist sues to ban hand on Bible
By Jon Ward
THE WASHINGTON TIMES The California lawyer who tried to have the phrase “under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance now wants to legally prevent President Bush from placing his hand on a Bible while being sworn in at his inauguration.

Michael Newdow, an atheist doctor and lawyer from Sacramento, has filed a complaint and a motion for preliminary injunction in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeking to remove prayer and all “Christian religious acts” from the Jan. 20 inauguration.

Go here for the entire article:
Somehow we’ve gotten to a point where if someone doesn’t like something about what any group does and they can find a judge that feels the same, they can stop the entire group under the imaginary “separtion of church and state”, which now encompasses almost everything that id done.

Christians need to impeach such judges that do not have a clue regarding the constitution. Newdow’s picking a fight with the nation - time to accept the duel.

I’ll go one step further than telling Newdow not to go to the inaugaration if he doesn’t like it. I suggest he leave this country as he is obviously incompatible with it.
Pay close attention to the following from the article:

“Mr. Newdow is a licensed minister of atheism, though he says he and members of his Internet church worship nobody. He says church members instead encourage a way of thinking”

Sorry - but that’s a religion. All Newdow is doing is trying to bully his religion overtop Christianity. He says it is not a relgion. Just a church with a “new way of thinking.”

Newdow’s “new way of thinking” has been tried and is an utter failure - it has a place in this country - just as all ideas do - but it’s a small and insignificant corner of the country - it speaks for a small few. It was not what this country was founded on or this country would cease to exist. It is a failed philosophy of no hope and disbelief in the obvious for the convenience of ego-promotion.
I was waiting for this to come up… In our criminal courts we don’t have the people put their hands on the bible anymore, but, they still say “so help me God.”
I pity the guy. If he is so easily offended he must be very miserable. Someone should invite him to Mass.
If George Bush was an athiest he would be within his rights to decide not to have a Bible while being sworn in. However, we all know that Mr. Bush **is **a practising Christian. Too bad this guy feels so threatened by Christianity that he feels the need to stomp it out wherever he encounters it.
wisdom 3:5:
If George Bush was an athiest he would be within his rights to decide not to have a Bible while being sworn in. However, we all know that Mr. Bush **is **a practising Christian. Too bad this guy feels so threatened by Christianity that he feels the need to stomp it out wherever he encounters it.
Interesting comment… and something scary to think about… that a country founded by God-fearing(loving) men could ever have an atheist as the most powerful man in the free world as its leader.
This guy is a very angry man,he reminds me of Madilaine O’Hare(sp?).He is on a rampage and unfortunatly,there are plenty of angry lawyers that will take him on for free.I really think we need to stop taking this and stand up and do something.In the case of this kind of sitituation would it be sinful to countersue?I hate to even say that because what he is doing is such a waste of our court system,but it has been known to change laws for the worst.God Bless
How do you feel about the fact that they are using the King James Bible to swear him into office?

I personally wonder if Bush would have the right to not have a Bible. I don’t think the oath falls under his control in any way. Beyond that, the President serves all the people, and the United States has a population that is 93% faith based in some way or another. By swearing on the Bible, the President in no ways takes away a citizens right to be an aetheist–nor can it be mis-construed to falling under so-called separation of Church and state, because in the context of the oath, the word “God” is universally intended…it is not an oath to any one religion.
This guy is a very angry man,he reminds me of Madilaine O’Hare(sp?).He is on a rampage and unfortunatly,there are plenty of angry lawyers that will take him on for free.I really think we need to stop taking this and stand up and do something.In the case of this kind of sitituation would it be sinful to countersue?I hate to even say that because what he is doing is such a waste of our court system,but it has been known to change laws for the worst.God Bless
The time has long past where we need to take action to counteract this nonsense. No matter how non-sensical it is, it affects the law of the land, which affects perceptions, which affects society and religous belief. It is never a waste of time to combat these people as they will find judges that will affect your life and my life. It is the most useful thing we can do with out time in this day.
How do you feel about the fact that they are using the King James Bible to swear him into office?
Beats the pants off of no Bible.
The time has long past where we need to take action to counteract this nonsense. No matter how non-sensical it is, it affects the law of the land, which affects perceptions, which affects society and religous belief. It is never a waste of time to combat these people as they will find judges that will affect your life and my life. It is the most useful thing we can do with out time in this day.
I agree,Brad. I am am so tired of this it has been going on for years and this last year around Christmas people were losing their minds:mad: If something isn’t done it is going to be like France or worse.God Bless
IIf something isn’t done it is going to be like France or worse.God Bless
I don’t think many people on this forum consider anything worse than France.
I don’t think many people on this forum consider anything worse than France.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Lets just hope France is the bottom of the barrel:eek: I am araid of just how low the bottom actually is,if it hasn’t been hit in France yet:eek: I have found everytime I have said"this is as bad as it gets",it gets worse.God Bless
Sigh… France, it’s too bad… they have some lovely churches… and some of the Christian Art in the Louvre… beautiful… if they’re gonna take those away and out of public sight (assuming the whole situation with these paranoid atheists could get that bad:( ), I’d hope they don’t destroy them…
This guy is a very angry man,he reminds me of Madilaine O’Hare(sp?).
Yeah but remember what happened to her. Murdered by her own followers, I believe for money. That’s what happens when you worship false gods

Lisa N
That’s ridiculous. That guy ought to get a life.
He has one, and his hobby is to sue the government. Everyone needs a hobby. 😉
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