Atheists in Praise of Christianity

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I have no idea why, but reading your post brought a book from long ago into my mind. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s a true story; Anna was a little girl. I loaned it out, and it’s one of those books that just never made it back to me! Tried to locate another one for a long time but gave up & eventually forgot about it. But when it came to mind just now, I decided to google. I couldn’t believe the hits & that it was out there for sale! (ordered a copy immediately, before responding here.) It’s a small book titled “Mr. God, this is Anna”. (Anna is not Christian, so don’t think I’m trying to convert you to Christianity. She does believe in “Mr. God” tho’). It’s not a story that’s out there to convert anyone - just a true story about this amazing little girl.
The reviews on the Amazon link describe it better than I can.
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I bookmarked it and will think about it. Please understand, I have no problem with people wanting to persuade me. I spend years with many doing just that including trying to persuade myself! My journey away from religion began with losing God…not contradictions nor issues with dogmas nor bad experiences…just Gods complete silence. In trying to refind Him, I went on a tortuous journey of pain and despair, trying to reconnect, trying to “hear” Him again. I explored other faiths, I prayed, fasted and cried. I finally accepted. I remember what it was like to have God and I’m here whenever He’s ready.

Reading about someone else’s experience with the divine is interesting but futile. Until their experience becomes my experience, I’m fine where I’m at. Thanks for an interesting title, however. It’s bookmarked and I may revisit it! ❤️
It’s not as tho’ her experience with the divine is the focus of the book - it’s essentially about her, Anna, and her relationship with the author, who found her on the streets of London when she was 4. Mr. God is part of who she was. If you read enough of the reviews, you probably came across the fact that she died accidentally at the age of 7. It’s been 30 years since I read the book, and her character has stuck with me.

I always check out the 1 and 2 star ratings when ordering something online. Noted some couldn’t believe such a girl could really exist at that young age, so they were convinced the author created a fictional character and passed it off as non-fiction. To that I’d answer: fiction or not, it’s a good read.
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Ok…ordered! Sounds like a sweet story and I’m in the mood for one! Thanks.
It seems to be a peculiarly American phenomenon that Christians believe atheists ate hostile to Christianity or to religion
I’m in agreement. I know plenty of atheists and I’ve never once had an argument or fight over religion. We just accept that we have different beliefs and continue as we were.
I know plenty of atheists and I’ve never once had an argument or fight over religion.
I know atheists who are very preachy, always trying to promote atheism, always trying to point out the ‘flaws’ in Christianity. I tell them that a world ruled by atheists would lead to chaos and anarchy. And that it is no coincidence that Christianity is the pillar of western civilization and not atheism.
¯_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe I’ll see more of that when I get back to the states. But the only really religion hating atheists I’ve heard about are just internet post.
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I haven’t personally met any atheists, so the only ones I’ve “heard” are those who have gotten publicity through books, media, etc. Since starting this thread tho’, I’ve heard you atheists who have posted here. 🙂 Hello! Nice to meet some who do not denigrate us believers.
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I haven’t personally met any atheists, so the only ones I’ve “heard” are those who have gotten publicity through books, media, etc. Since starting this thread tho’, I’ve heard you atheists who have posted here. 🙂 Hello! Nice to meet some who do not denigrate us believers.
Personally speaking I’m something of a Jeckyll and Hyde when it comes to religion. I’m normally Dr. Jeckyll, reasonably easy going and generally just frustrated by fundamentalist beliefs (which drive me to distraction). And I don’t know what tips me over but sometimes Mr. Hyde makes an appearance and I’m more anti theist than atheist and I have to be very careful what I post not to offend.
Hello! Nice to meet some who do not denigrate us believers
Hello to you, too. It’s nice to meet believers that don’t denigrate atheists, too.

The best discussions are usually those where both parties realize they aren’t likely to change minds and just actually listen to each other without telling the other what they believe…instead, asking what they believe. Just as it drives you up a wall when someone says Catholics worship statues…which you don’t, I, too get driven up a wall when someone tells me, You just hate God…which I don’t! I’m mostly here to learn and understand what you believe…and boy, have I learned a lot! 😇
Like you Freddy, I think we all have some areas that tend to trigger the Mr. Hyde in us. Conquering that son of a gun is a labor that will probably last my whole life. If I conquer it before that, I’ll change my user name to St. JGD. 🙂
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