As an ardent (and at times loud spoken) atheist for most of my life I have, of late, been wanting to believe in God and, since my girlfriend (her name is Mary), is a practicing Catholic, I would like to be in harmony with her faith and practices as I feel it would greatly enhance our lives together, especially since we’d like to get married. But, more than that, I find that a belief in God, especially if it doesn’t conflict with my closely held scientific knowledge and general orientation, has a the great potential for psychological and, yes, spiritual peace.
In learning about Catholic beliefs and practices I find myself drawn to them on several levels. I enjoy going to Mass with Mary and get something out of it with each Mass. In fact, just yesterday, it was MY suggestion that we go to her church for the Mass for Lent and I felt wonderful being on the line to receive the ashes. The sermon was amazing, about what it means to give up things in one’s life (through actions that serve to change one’s perspective and other’s lives for the better, etc.). I’m even toying with the idea of giving up atheism for Lent! I’m not sure, yet, what that would entail but I think a good start would be to pray, every day (maybe several times a day) to a real God to strengthen my faith and to fully believe, to attend Church and recite the prayers and sing the songs and put my all into it, and to enroll in an RCIA program. Just a thought…
And though I don’t agree with some of the ideas surrounding marriage, in particular the rules surrounding sexual practices while married (neither does Mary, thankfully) I love the idea that connect marriage with a sacrament. As such, I want our marriage to be sacramental, which would involve me converting. I actually would want to convert and not only for this reason but because I would rather believe in the hereafter and being able to join with Mary, the love of my life, forever, though I realize that Catholic faith ends marriage upon death ("…till death do I part"). Whether true or not, just believing that it’s true would give me great comfort and, again, I’d be able better to share this comfort with Mary. The other reasons involve what it means to be completely involved with all my heart with all the other positives I have found.
So, I’m here as a form of searching. I guess I’m looking for THE post that would be the tipping point. I don’t think, now, that I’ll find it but it’s been great reading most of what I’ve read so far.
So, yes, I’m more than curious about the Catholic faith, am certainly (and obviously) NOT trying to get Catholics to become atheists. Just the opposite, I prefer, and actually want, Catholics to get me to become a believer. What keeps me tuning into CAF is the fact that I enjoy the many worthwhile discussions I’ve found here, even the one’s less pertinent to my current intentions.
I think it’s time I live my life on the “other side” for a change. For me, I think it’d be a lot more beneficial at this point in my life, if I can only get there.