Attacked because of my Catholic Faith

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Recently I have been attending a Bible Study my good friend hosts. The Couple providing the lecture are Church of GOD (Seventh Day) followers. My friend is trying to to get me to change to their denomination but that’s unlikely to happen. The wife that provides the lesson also knows I’m not switching. However the other day after the study I was subject to harsh criticism regarding the Catholic Church Scandal and Statues. I held my own with them but they went at me pretty good. I did tell my friends from the Bible Study that there criticism and attacks towards the Catholic Church has strengthened my Catholic Faith. I would appreciate any help on remaining confident in the Catholic Church despite the scandal and also regarding statues. Although I really don’t pay attention to the statues, I don’t understand the reason for so many. Thanks.
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Yes, the question is why are you attending a 7th Day Adventist led Bible study? You can expect your faith to be attacked there, and you will not get the fullness of the Truth. Stop immediately. If you continue to go and continue to be attacked, it is your choice. Seek out Catholic community and teaching.
Generally speaking, the Seventh-Day Adventists are often virulently anti-Catholic.That alone to me is basis to avoid engaging them…

…and at a Bible study, no less? What they did was wrong, and rude.

Sight unseen, their “Bible Studies” with you IMHO will likely turn very quickly into “let’s attack this Catholic!” Heck, it’s happened already.

I got accosted by 2 SDAs out of the clear blue sky one day a few years back in a bookstore. I swear it was like the “Sith Rule of 2,” 1 leader and 1 follower. After a few efforts at feigned kindness they turned on me, and the Church, really fast. As an aside, I had so much fun throwing their nonsense back at them that they fled after a few minutes. That said, I’m also not a youth who might not be ready for that level of anti-Catholicism.

Candidly, I’d avoid them going forward. Being Catholic need not mean engaging haters. They won’t do anything to help your faith journey in the future.
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If your friend was truly a good friend, they would respect and defend your religious rights and not allow them to be attacked.

As others have suggested, you probably should choose a good Catholic Bible study group instead of this one if your beliefs are not respected and your “friend” doesn’t come to your defense and doesn’t prevent you from being attacked.

It’s commendable that you stood your ground, though.
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I would definetly stop attending this Adventist Bible study. These sort of attacks on your faith can be expected there. The Catholic Church has the fullness of truth so why look elsewhere? I think a good Catholic study group would be the best option.
It’s about TRUTH. SDAs teach truth mixed with nonsense. Catholicism teaches the full pure truths of the faith. Discover that for yourself and there can be no such issues in the future. Seek, study, pray. Scandals will happen, in any church or denomination that happens to include humans in their membership. 😀
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Relations with Roman CatholicismEdit

The official beliefs of the church (28 Fundamentals) do not mention the papacy or Roman Catholicism. An official statement “How Seventh-day Adventists View Roman Catholicism” was released in 1997. Adventists are concerned about the institution of the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church, yet recognize many sincere individual Catholics.

Woodrow Whidden wrote, “we must forthrightly affirm that many positive things have taken place in Roman Catholicism”. According to him, the papacy “is a mixed bag morally and ethically… All human organizations (including our own ‘enfeebled and defective’ denomination) are sadly sinful.” He concludes, “the Roman Catholic religious system” or “papal Rome is still the great power envisioned in Daniel 7 and 8; 2 Thessalonians 2; and Revelation 13.”[11] See the companion article By Grace Alone? by Clifford Goldstein.
If you want: study up on some of what this site (Catholic answers) has to offer on the topic of statues. God commanded the serpent on the pole in the old Testament to be made.

Normal images aren’t idols.
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Ok. I enjoy listening to the Word and talking about the
Bible. I don’t have too many friends that are interested in having deep and serious discussions about the subject. I always thought it was good to talk about GOD but obviously it depends with who. A close longtime friend hosts the Bible Study mentioned and invited me. Going in I had an idea I may encounter some negative comments but I didn’t expect it would be on that level. During one session the Individual providing the lecture kept taking shots that I did not appreciate. I did begin to counter and say something but my friend stepped in. So I let it go the rest of the night. However I was frustrated all week. I’m not an expert on the Bible but I have read most of it. Doing research I was able to find verses that refuted her criticisms. I also went over it with my good friend. My friend that hosts the Bible Study has made a remarkable recovery from leukemia and I wanted to support him. I didn’t think his intentions were to have me change to their denomination but the Study actually helped me gain a renewed confidence in the Catholic Faith. I think I surprised them that I had some knowledge on the Bible, definitely more than the friends listening in. As I mentioned after one study I was attacked with harsh criticisms by friends, not the instructor, but I didn’t back down and I held my own with ‘them’. I recently informed my good friend that hosts the Bible Study that I was no longer going to attend. However he pretty much begged me that I should continue. I would prefer to avoid an ugly situation but I also didn’t want the instructor to get away with false criticisms of the Catholic Church. After the Bible Study we usually go over what was discussed on that particular evening. Although I have never told any of my friends that attend the Bible Study that they should consider switching to the Catholic Church, they have been receptive to the refutes that I have demonstrated to them with verses from the Bible. My friend the host also won’t hesitate to listen to audio I have played from Catholic radio.

I appreciate the feed back and I probably will no longer attend those particular Bible Studies. Please help me with info and understanding on defending the Catholic Church regarding the Scandal. Thank You for your time.
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I would not return. Bible study is not the place to be debating or defending your faith. It should be for deepening your understanding of the Bible. Try and find a Catholic group, and support your friend in ways that do not include attending that bible study group, because they are flawed in their practices. Imagine a Catholic study group trashing other Christian churches. That wouldn’t be right either.
understanding on defending the Catholic Church regarding the Scandal. Thank You for your time.
The response is to acknowledge that the Church is made up of fallible humans, that some of these humans commit grave sins, and that the sins of these few do not negate the Church.

Sure you could present evidence of abuse in the SDA, among Baptists, among public schools and youth sports, but, that is not the point.

The SDA goal is to convert you.

Look to Catholic Bible studies, get a subscription to, go to the Usccb website and listen to the reflection on the daily readings, read the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament, read Dr Kreeft’s new in depth study of the gospel of John.
Please help me with info and understanding on defending the Catholic Church regarding the Scandal. Thank You for your time.
Which scandal are you referring to? You mentioned something about a statues.

Can you please clarify their objects (or what they are saying) to each?
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Let it be a lesson, learn from it, and find yourself a Catholic bible study.
My wife and myself experienced similar in our early days of returning to Jesus Christ and His Church.

What we learned is that the folks that lead these Bible Studies, welcome the things of faith that you share in.

However, they’ll demand that you reject what they reject and it’s usually the Catholic Church.
Regarding the scandals in the church. Men with evil inclinations look for opportunities to gain access to vulnerable youth. They are found wherever youth are. Certainly they are going to hide their intentions and enjoy a trusted position as priest, coach, teacher, group leader. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. If a group with youth think they are not vulnerable to this charade, they are mistaken. It’s better to see what happened and to ask ‘what can we learn from this? so it doesn’t happen here’.
The Catholic Religion is a rich faith. With 2000 years of history, no one knows everything. Most critics research their points. It is impossible to overcome all objections off the top of your head. Rest assured that all objections have been addressed over our history of apologetics. Respectful discussion is healthy. Be willing to admit that you don’t know everything, but are willing to continue later.

Regarding abuse: Readily admit guilt and point out that it doesn’t make the teaching false.
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Attend a Catholic group 🙂

They invited you because they want you to join their denomination ofc. Respectfully refrain in the future.
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