Attacked because of my Catholic Faith

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Although I really don’t pay attention to the statues, I don’t understand the reason for so many.
So the SDA don’t have statues, but guess what? they cannot trace back to Jesus and the Apostles, where are their witnesses prior to the 1860s? And they don’t have the sacraments, so stay away.
Although I really don’t pay attention to the statues, I don’t understand the reason for so many.
Do you have photos of your family around your house?

I think of the statues the same way. They remind us of people. We look at the statues and when we pray our intentions, it helps us think of the saint more clearly. There is no idolatry or worshiping, just a physical representation of someone.
long ago i was attending three different non catholic bible studys at the same time, Baptist , Methodist and Presbyterian. Their little comments against the catholic church would send me home wanting to research if they were right… God bless them, they made me fall in love truly on my own with my Catholic faith. I know now to share my faith with Catholics . There are so many great catholic books no one could barely touch them in one lifetime, I do not need to look elsewhere.
Is it somehow unrealistic to be able to locate a Catholic Bible Study?
You don’t need to be there. Meaning you don’t need to be there, and it sounds like you shouldn’t.
I’m not a theologian but iirc going to a non-Catholic Bible study is a proximate occasion of sins against the Catholic Faith. IOW, you are putting yourself in danger of losing the divine theological virtue of Faith by attending these sessions.

To lose the divine virtue of Faith in one’s soul is one of the most grievous tragedies that can befall a person in this life.

I beg you in the name of Our Lady of Sorrows to stop attending these sessions.

If your friend is offended, tell him or her that Jesus is your Best Friend and that you value your relationship with Him above everything else. Maybe it might help your friend see the Light too.

Virgin most powerful, pray for us.
Virgin most faithful, pray for us.
One of the most toxic people I ever had to deal with an SDA patient. I only knew she was SDA because she found ways to pompously inform all of us every time we entered her room. She was verbally abusive, threw tantrums, and threw objects at us. Alternately, the sweetest patient I ever had was a Catholic nun, and she never talked about it unless we brought it up. We all wanted to take her home with us. Sweetest LOL ever.
We should be careful not to stereotype a whole faith based on the behavior of a few of its adherents. Each person is unique, although undoubtedly some SDA people are not very nice toward other faiths. The same can be said of Catholics, Methodists, Eastern Orthodox, etc.

I think SDA followers dislike what they think the Catholic Church teaches, which is probably not the same as what Catholicism actually teaches.

While the behavior described by the OP is definitely bad behavior By the SDA people, I also remember that Desmond Doss of “Hacksaw Ridge” fame was also SDA and rescued plenty of soldiers in WWIi, many of whom were undoubtedly Catholic.

He was a “salt of the earth” kind of guy and a very good man, based on his actions. And he was a devout SDA.
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Each person is unique, although undoubtedly some SDA people are not very nice toward other faiths. The same can be said of Catholics, Methodists, Eastern Orthodox, etc.
No, actually the SDA are worse towards Catholics as a general rule than most other faiths.

I have received unsolicited literature in the mail from the SDA. It bordered on hate speech towards Catholics. I have also read the accounts of SDA who converted. I would avoid any SDA person based on what I have read and received in the mail. Thankfully my towns have lots of Catholics and only a handful of SDA. Otherwise I might not feel safe.
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The other day he said the official day of worship doesn’t have to be on Saturday.
Wow, that is a big deal for him to say that, as I think worshiping on Saturday is one of the main tenets stressed in the SDA tradition. All the best to you in your dealings with him. May the Lord grant you wisdom in that area and to keep your defenses up. If they are having you meet ex-Catholics, sounds like they might have a not-so hidden agenda.
I wasn’t aware of that. I’ve had little personal dealings with SDA folks, so I will take your word for it as I trust your judgment. When dealing with me, the SDA person’s emphasis was to try to convince me I was worshiping on wrong day and that I needed to get my act together, so to speak.

As a general rule, I try to stay away from stereotypes, as it has gotten me into trouble when I was younger doing that.
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Yes. The SDAs are particularly anti-Catholic and in fact are known for this. My encounter I described with the SDA would have been much more unpleasant - had I not so much incredible fun throwing their nonsense back at them, such that they fled.

Yet it was still obnoxious of them: It took them less than 5 minutes to tell me the Catholic Church was led by Satan himself. That came out very quickly when it was clear they’d bitten off way more than they could chew.

The other problem I have with SDAs is the same issue I have with many Protestant faiths: they are ALWAYS trying to convert us. Rarely do we try to convert them. I suppose they think they have to evangelize, but unspoken in such tactics is “you’re wrong and we’re right” - hardly appropriate tactics when dealing with other folks, let alone fellow Christians (and they may not even see us as Christians, and shame on them for that).
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I’ve only known one SDA and he was a sweety…he was also a Pathologist and very intelligent.

However, I’ve several interactions with JWs…which are an offshoot of the SDA. It’s always fun. First, of course, they I assume I’m probably Christian and when I dispel that notion, they have to switch gears from any preprogrammed speech. Usually, they are curious about a non believer and tend to drop any speech they were going to switch to and begin asking me all sorts of questions. After about 15 minutes, they “have to go, now”. They are always pleasant but they just never come back! 🤣🤣🤣
Sounds like you know how to fluster them and leave them flummoxed, Patty.
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T999. The ‘supposed’ former Catholics are the Instructors of the Bible Study that my friend hosts. They’re the individuals that are currently and constantly sounding off to them about the Catholic Church. I was present at one of those unpleasant sessions and I left frustrated. The lead instructor went off on the Catholic Church again during a session that I was not able to attend. My friend informed me what was discussed. We went over the lesson from the session that I missed and I was able to refute with verses from the Bible most of her criticisms. However it was quite a bit of info and I’m not sure my friend grasped everything. I later informed my friend that I would no longer attend the Bible Study but he’s pretty much begging to continue attending. This has been lingering in my head for some time now and I finally joined this forum.
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Although I am not a Catholic, I think you are getting some good advice from Catholics on CAF, and it sounds like your priest would be another good source of counsel and advice.

All the best to you as you continue to grow in your faith.
Some of the most anti X religion are those that left. This is as true for Catholics that leave as for SDAs that leave their religion. It’s sad but true.

Why someone can’t just decide that they belong in this faith rather than that faith and not hate their former faith is beyond me! I left my faith and I don’t hate it at all. I even miss parts of it! I can be critical of some details but hate it? No!
According to my friend their particular Church is not an SDA. They are an affiliate of Church of GOD (Seventh Day), probably an Off Shoot of SDA. My friend is unaware of Ellen White but he asked the instructors of the Bible Study and they made it clear that their Church has nothing to do with Ellen White and were surprised when he asked.

I did some research recently on this particular denomination and it is an off shoot of SDA. They apparently have attempted to distance themselves from Ellen White. Next question for the Instructors is going to be Herbert Armstrong. Once again my friend says that he has no idea who Herbert Armstrong is. This particular denomination CoG7 has also attempted to separate from Herbert Armstrong as well. It appears that SDA and it’s branches/ affiliates are a shell of their former self. They have stressed recruiting to my friend though.

I could easily unload on the Bible Study instructors but I don’t want to come across as disrespectful to my friends mother who also attends and is a long time follower. I doubt she’s aware of all of this though. I’m certain an opportunity may arise where I can inform her and present some information regarding the history of this denomination. They do it so why can’t I? What goes around comes around. Or is not the proper way to go about it. The lead instructor for the Bible Study comes off as an Elitist and because I’m Catholic I’m not on the same path.
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Although I really don’t pay attention to the statues, I don’t understand the reason for so many. Thanks
Anything that points to God is good. There was a time when the understanding of God was so far beyond our ability to understand that graven images were forbidden.

However, now the image of the Father has been revealed to us in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. When we look at a statue we acknowledge the good work that God has done.

As far as the scandal goes, same as the atrocities done in the name of the Church, I believe it is a call to all the people of God to repent & turn back to the one true God, humble & contrite. Not a time to abandon the Church but a call to fight for the Church.
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