squeekster said:
“Sound reasoning”? It doesn’t matter what Catholic website you link to. If they claim that Mary was sinless, which is in direct opposition to the Word of God, they are calling God a liar. A person needs Jesus as Saviour because of sin. Mary herself said she needed a Saviour, something she would not have needed had she been sinless.
Nobody said Jesus was not Mary’s Savior. We said she was conceived without sin.
The Immaculate Conception emphasizes four truths: (1) Mary
did need a savior; (2) her savior was Jesus Christ; (3) Mary’s salvation was accomplished by Jesus through his work on the Cross; and (4) Mary was saved from sin, but in a different and more glorious way than the rest of us are.
Mary was no less “saved” than any other human being has been saved. She was just saved anticipatorily,
before contracting original sin. Each of us is permitted to become dirtied with original sin, but she was not. God hates sin, so this was a far better way.
As far as our teachings not being Biblical:
Look first at two passages in Luke 1. In verse 28, the angel Gabriel greets Mary as “
kecharitomene” (“full of grace” or “highly favored”). This is a recognition of her sinless state. In verse 42 Elizabeth greets Mary as “blessed among women.” The original import of this phrase is lost in English translation. Since neither the Hebrew nor Aramaic languages have superlatives (best, highest, tallest, holiest), a speaker of those languages would have say, “You are tall among men” or “You are wealthy among men” to mean “You are the tallest” or “You are the wealthiest.”
Elizabeth’s words mean Mary was the holiest of all women.
A last thought. If you could have created your own mother, wouldn’t you have made her the most beautiful, virtuous, perfect woman possible? Jesus, being God,
did create his own mother (Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2), and he did just that–he created her immaculate and, in his mercy and generosity, kept her that way.
Compiled from here:
Finally, Squeekster, can you show me in the Bible where it states that Mary* did* sin? Your belief that she, specifically,
did sin is not in the Bible.