Attendance at the Tridentine/Gregorian Rite Mass

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I attend the Tridentine/Gregorian Rite Mass. However there are occasions that I need to attend the Novus Ordo. My question is why should I continue to go the Tridentine Mass where reverence and composure are required / demanded by the nature of the Mass ? That is, one can attend a Novus Ordo mass in our parish wearing gym shorts and a tee shirt with sandals, talk during the mass, generally not pay any attention to the mass and fit in rather nicely. At the same time the priest sits through the majority of the Mass while the ladies do the readings. There are many abuses as well, however, I am told that one is still receiving the body and blood of our Lord and Savior, which I firmly trust and believe. So then the question is why should I bother to wear a tie and prepare my self for the Tridentine/Gregorian Rite Mass when I can go to the Novus Ordo in my workout clothes and be irreverent and relaxed like a country club atmosphere and still receive the body and blood ?
Are you asking a question to provoke a response, or are you asking rhetorically? I would say, go to Mass where you feel closest to God. I attend Novus Ordo, and while I object to the attire worn, particularly by some of the young ladies, if a priest has valid orders, the Eucharist is properly consecrated. I go to Mass to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, not as a social club. Sorry for sounding a little edgy, but you got to do what is right for you.

Pax Christi
I cannot give you a Catholic answer on the subject but I can give you my personal feelings on proper attire and behavior.

As a whole I think that we can agree that God for the most part could care less what we wear. My problem is that the Liturgies are based on tradition and as such we should follow it to the best of our ability. Dressing up nice shows that you are doing everything that you can to show reverence to the Church, Eucharist, and the Church Fathers.

When we pray and take part in communion it is not to show God that we are in good faith but to reassert those things to ourselves. God is self-sufficient – he does not need such things. So although God could care less what we wear in most instances, you have to ask yourself where do you stand in your faith if you are willing to take part in the Eucharist wearing t-shirts and shorts. If you still feel that you are serving God to the best of your ability then attend Novus Ordo, but if you feel guilt because you didn’t dress up because you didn’t do everything that you could to assert your faith then attend in your Sunday Best.
I am not sure I understand… I should find a Mass that I ” feel closest to God” So then is being close to God or getting close to God relative to ones own feeling? Another words if one feels close to God than one is close to God .
I attend the Tridentine/Gregorian Rite Mass. However there are occasions that I need to attend the Novus Ordo. My question is why should I continue to go the Tridentine Mass where reverence and composure are required / demanded by the nature of the Mass ? That is, one can attend a Novus Ordo mass in our parish wearing gym shorts and a tee shirt with sandals, talk during the mass, generally not pay any attention to the mass and fit in rather nicely. At the same time the priest sits through the majority of the Mass while the ladies do the readings. There are many abuses as well, however, I am told that one is still receiving the body and blood of our Lord and Savior, which I firmly trust and believe. So then the question is why should I bother to wear a tie and prepare my self for the Tridentine/Gregorian Rite Mass when I can go to the Novus Ordo in my workout clothes and be irreverent and relaxed like a country club atmosphere and still receive the body and blood ?
TLM can do no wrong?

I saw mother leaving TLM after communion (she wore tight cloth and hip hugger). I saw woman with short pants and T-Shirt waiting at a TLM Mass when all she needed was confession. In the middle of TLM she Left.

Get off the hate bandwagon.
I attend the Traditional Latin Mass (indult) as well and at times the Novus Ordo (which, fortunately, is said reverently here).

Let me answer your question with another question, why do you attend the Tridentine Mass in the first place?

I attend Novus Ordo, but hope to attend a Tridentine Mass someday. I have heard it’s beautiful, but I know little about it. I love Gregorian chant, and if that’s part of it, great!

Regarding the clothing, I used to wear jeans & tennis shoes, but when I finally realized that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, I realized that I am being invited to a banquet with the King of Kings, the King of the Universe, the Son of God. If I were invited to a banquet for the President (or even the Mayor), I would dress up, so how could I conceive of not dressing up for Mass?

Regarding the talking in the sanctuary, I totally agree that silence should be observed. It sounds like the recent promulgation of General Instructions for the Roman Missal includes a statement regarding the necessity of silence.

I have to admit that, when I’m travelling, I sometimes don’t dress up like at home. By the way, when I travel, I use to find a local mass. Is there a similar resource I can use to locate a Tridentine/Gregorian mass?

(As far the phrase “finally realized”, you’d have to hear my story – it’s too long to type now. Essentially, I was Baptist, and “sort of” converted to Catholic for marriage. 18 years later, I began studying the Bible, apologetics, etc., and truly became Catholic.)
Your observations of the decorum normally experienced when attending the two different rites are exactly my experience also. Why you should bother to attend the Tridentine Mass as defined by Pope St. Pius V is a question which leaves me wondering what you believe about the existance of God. Of course, you may be stating your question in a manner to provoke discussion.

Both rites are valid, of course, but the laity attending the traditional Mass seem to be in awe of the Real Presence of the Risen Christ. I would ask you what would be your attitude and behavior, if you walked into a church and there stood in plain sight the Risen Christ, looking straight at you and obviously giving you all of His attention. I hope you are not surprised to hear that that is exactly the situatuation you encounter where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved or exposed, and when you assist at Mass. Would you feel free to lounge around, joking with others and giving our Lord a minimum or no attention?

He is God, inseparable from the Blessed Trinity, the Creaqtor of all that exists that is not God. He holds your very existance in His Will. We say that God creates us from nothing, which means He creates us without using any existing material, but our existance is using one ingrediant, God’s Will. If for one instant, God ceases to hold our existance in His Will, we would cease to exist. That creation is continuous for as long as we exist.

I believe this One and only God deserves our undivided attention in Church, in fact, I believe he demands it, if we are to obtain the promises He has made. He deserves it during every instant of our existance, which means that we should be thinking about obeying all His Laws during all our human activities. This is why I believe our assistance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass requires our undivided and undistracted attention. That is why I would chose to attend Mass where the others in attendance would present the least distraction.
TLM can do no wrong?

I saw mother leaving TLM after communion (she wore tight cloth and hip hugger). I saw woman with short pants and T-Shirt waiting at a TLM Mass when all she needed was confession. In the middle of TLM she Left.

Get off the hate bandwagon.
Did I say the TLM can do know wrong ? Who hates? Relax…. I am asking a philosophical question. I have been attending the TLM for more than ten years and have rarely seen acts of irreverence behavior, however I can guarantee that each time (on the rare occasions I attend the New Rite) I will witness an act of horrific irreverence or abuse.
I am not sure I understand… I should find a Mass that I ” feel closest to God” So then is being close to God or getting close to God relative to ones own feeling? Another words if one feels close to God than one is close to God .
No not necessarily… Some people are not confined by clothing in order to effectively place themselves in a position to receive God. Some people, like myself, feel guilt if I go into a Church Service in everyday clothing. That guilt effective blocks my ability to properly pray and take part in Mass, if for no other reason than that my mind is elsewhere than where it should be… I am concerned about my attire and not about God.

At the other end of the spectrum we should never wear anything that would disturb the congregation when they are at Mass.
I have to admit that, when I’m travelling, I sometimes don’t dress up like at home. By the way, when I travel, I use to find a local mass. Is there a similar resource I can use to locate a Tridentine/Gregorian mass?
The same url will give you the Tridentin Mass Times. Click on Non English I think is the button.
The same url will give you the Tridentin Mass Times. Click on Non English I think is the button.

This gives you 1962(Tridentine), 1970 (Pauline/NO), and “hybrid” Latin Masses

Beng, do you want me to extend my ignoring of you to this forum?
  1. Don’t assume things on others’ parts
  2. And this is a different forum, they don’t know why you are responding the way you are. It is nonsensical.
JCB, there are two elements in the Mass. The objective. The Sacrifice of Calvary is equally present at both, one gets Christ at both.

The other is subjective. The graces one receives is proportionate to the dispositions they bring. If the TLM can better raise your mind to God and enable YOU to be more reverent and focused then go there. If you are equally focused at either, then go to the one where you receive greater aid in your faith, such as from the pulpit. If time is an issue (it can be hard to get to the TLM or it may be a High Mass and too long) then perhaps the NO would work out better
At the same time the priest sits through the majority of the Mass while the ladies do the readings.
Unlike the other problems you mentioned, there is nothing wrong with a properly prepared lay person (man or woman) exercising the role of lector for the non-Gospel readings.
…and while I object to the attire worn, particularly by some of the young ladies…
“What are you trying to do? Pick up God?”
Any perspectives on the controversies that surrounded the standardization of the Tridentine Mass by Pope Pius V?
I can understand that you should go where you feel the most reverent. What I want to know is, why are so many of the churches the same? Why don’t more churches offer the Tridentine/Gregorian/Byzantine/Orthodox Rite Mass? Am I the only person who wishes their local parish with the Catholic school offered more traditional liturgies?
Dressing up nice shows that you are doing everything that you can to show reverence to the Church, Eucharist, and the Church Fathers.
I beg to differ–How you dress first and foremost indicates your reverence (or lack thereof) to God–
Regarding the clothing, I used to wear jeans & tennis shoes, but when I finally realized that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, I realized that I am being invited to a banquet with the King of Kings, the King of the Universe, the Son of God. If I were invited to a banquet for the President (or even the Mayor), I would dress up, so how could I conceive of not dressing up for Mass?..
I have to admit that, when I’m travelling, I sometimes don’t dress up like at home. By the way, when I travel, I use to find a local mass. Is there a similar resource I can use to locate a Tridentine/Gregorian mass?
I wasn’t raised Catholic, but I was always taught to dress appropriately at church. It was a matter of respect. Like Larry, I now seek to be truly reverent in the real presence of our Lord. I, too, want to show at least as much respect for Jesus as I would for a “merely human” dignitary. Still, I do not allow the wardrobe faux pas of others to interfere with my worship. I go to church to see Jesus - not to analyze the clothing choices of my brothers and sisters in Christ. If something does affront my sensibilities, I try to remember to pray for that person and for myself - that I will see Christ in them (as I should) and not to judge their outward appearance. Even though this approach is a “work in progress” for me, it has helped me a great deal.

We can’t know the hearts of others. What we perceive as disrespect may be ignorance - or something else entirely. For example, last Saturday night I attended mass in blue jeans and hiking boots. I wasn’t being disrespectful - I was on a week-long primitive camping trip more than 800 miles from home. We drove almost 40 miles to find a church, and ended up at a tiny mission church in New Mexico. I was clean (quite an accomplishment in the wilderness - involved a very cold shampoo!) and as well-groomed as well as my situation permitted. BTW, it was a beautiful mass in a simple, but lovely, church - and the priest’s homily directly addressed a subject about which I have been praying, meditating, and studying for several weeks. I felt truly blessed, even in my hiking boots.

I don’t think we show the love of Christ when we become overly concerned with the outward appearances of others. I want everyone to recognize Jesus in the Eucharist, and honor Him in a suitable manner. But I can’t help it if they don’t, and if I allow myself to be distracted from the Presence of my Lord to gawk at or catalog the “inadequacies” of others, then that’s a problem that I should pray to overcome. (I am constantly reminded of Jesus’s admonition about the beam in my eye…)

Just my two cent’s worth.

"So then the question is why should I bother to wear a tie and prepare my self for the Tridentine/Gregorian Rite Mass when I can go to the Novus Ordo in my workout clothes and be irreverent and relaxed like a country club atmosphere and still receive the body and blood "

Free will.
I saw mother leaving TLM after communion (she wore tight cloth and hip hugger). I saw woman with short pants and T-Shirt waiting at a TLM Mass when all she needed was confession. In the middle of TLM she Left.
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