
Yes, I KNOW that there are MANY Protestant churches that appeal to this need for entertainment, and supposed “being fed” syndrome. All their rigamarole----big sermons, big emotional highs, entertainment, etc., etc.,My girlfriend and I are in the midst of a disagreement.
She says she doesn’t feel like she’s being fed spiritually at our parish, so she’s attending with friends this other church.
They are looking in the wrong place for this.
Tell her how could she possibly be fed more than with the true body and blood of our Lord? This is what our Christian faith is about. I tell my hubby and kids this, but they as well, are not ready to go there. Let them find out for themselves the Truth.
Perhaps after them going and the longing they still feel, they will come back. Hope so.
Oh --get her the book I’m currently reading: “The Fathers of the Church” by Mike Aquilina. It’s great! Simple–and explains the early Church-----no new modern “church” could compare!!!
God Bless~~