Attending other churches

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My girlfriend and I are in the midst of a disagreement.

She says she doesn’t feel like she’s being fed spiritually at our parish, so she’s attending with friends this other church.
Yes, I KNOW that there are MANY Protestant churches that appeal to this need for entertainment, and supposed “being fed” syndrome. All their rigamarole----big sermons, big emotional highs, entertainment, etc., etc.,

They are looking in the wrong place for this.

Tell her how could she possibly be fed more than with the true body and blood of our Lord? This is what our Christian faith is about. I tell my hubby and kids this, but they as well, are not ready to go there. Let them find out for themselves the Truth.

Perhaps after them going and the longing they still feel, they will come back. Hope so.

Oh --get her the book I’m currently reading: “The Fathers of the Church” by Mike Aquilina. It’s great! Simple–and explains the early Church-----no new modern “church” could compare!!!

God Bless~~
<<<I fear that if she continues to attend, she may begin to accept these teachings. And since people know she is Catholic, I think she will be especially targeted. She says she believes in what the Catholic church teaches, and doesn’t think she’ll be influenced.>>>

Hi Sundy,
You have every reason to be concerned. It is very easy for Catholics to become “hooked” in an evangelical church…The warm atmosphere, simple theology, the total worship experience, are all things that draw people in.

Your girlfriend will have to be very careful here. I know from personal expereince how easy it is to begin to accept the teachings of a warm evangelical church…You have to really know and believe in your Cathoic faith to attend an evangelical church on any kind of a regular basis and retain your Catholic faith.

**I sometimes do attend church with my husband. It is an evalgelical Church of Christ, and I love it. We have a Sunday School class I enjoy, too. HOWEVER…They all know I am a Catholic Christian, and that I am active in my own parish…No one bothers me…I even get an occaional chance to tell the Catholic “side” of certain issues, and that’s always a big plus. **

To tell the truth, attending this church has only strengthened my Cathoilc faith…But, that might not be the case for your girlfriend.

**The only thing you can do is to pray for her, and to be there to encourage her to remain true to her Catholic faith…The important thing is that she is still attending Mass with you. That’s GOOD. **

**However, there may come a time when she will be tired, or busy, and have to choose which church to attend that Sunday…That’s when you will need to be there to encouarge her to attend Mass with you. I face this question every once in a while, and know it is hard. **

Just hang in there…and hang in there for her. Sometimes all you can do is be there, and walk that journey you spoke of with the one you care about.
:hmmm: I like the idea of attending the evangelical church with her - it shows you are willing to listen to her. If you experience the service for yourself it puts you in a much better position to reject any false teaching in it. Explain the Catholic teaching but don’t try to force Catholicism on her; this may only drive her away.

I don’t think attending an evangelical service is a problem as long as you are strong in your own beliefs. Here in Belfast there are many ecumenical groups where priests and ministers of many different Christian faiths join together and attend each other’s sermons. (This is neccessary in Northern Ireland as a way of trying to lessen sectarian tension.)
Sowndog said:
:hmmm: I like the idea of attending the evangelical church with her - it shows you are willing to listen to her. If you experience the service for yourself it puts you in a much better position to reject any false teaching in it. Explain the Catholic teaching but don’t try to force Catholicism on her; this may only drive her away.

I don’t think attending an evangelical service is a problem as long as you are strong in your own beliefs. Here in Belfast there are many ecumenical groups where priests and ministers of many different Christian faiths join together and attend each other’s sermons. (This is neccessary in Northern Ireland as a way of trying to lessen sectarian tension.)

**I thorougly enjoy attending the evangelical services at my husband’s church. I love the music, the sermons are always good, and the atmosphere is warm. However, I am very confident and comfortable with my Catholic faith…No one is going to “convert” me, because I know who and what I am, and why. **

So…I go and sometimes get a chance to talk about my Catholic faith…Actually, that faith beocmes stronger the more I attend evangelical services…I am always mentally rebutting certain things I hear, and that helps me to focus on what is true.
Mass is Mass, but I understand the desire for fellowship. There are several fellowship activities in parish life outside Mass. Maybe you should seek those activities and invite her.
Reformed Rob:
Women are often flighty about some things. That “some” would include “most” things. Not all women, but generally speaking, that’s been my experience and friends of mines’ too.

Rob, you and your friends are hangin’ with the wrong women!😃
With your attitude troward women I think your vocation is to the single life.😛 (Hope I haven’t offended any singles out there.)
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