Attending SSPX Chapels as of 2020

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Is it ok to attend Mass at SSPX Chapels as of 2020?
We live in an era of anti religious authority. Every hero on TV is someone who thinks independently, not what The Authority says. Father does not Know Best, father is a fool in the comedies, abusive in dramas. Kids know more than parents.

Solid authoritative pastors are never depicted. If there is religious authority, it’s a show about a cult or abuse. Religious dissenters get free media coverage. Obedience is regarded as evil.

Websites on the Left and Right admit - no, they boast - they are independent of the Church. Many dissenters claim to be “obedient” to the Tradition, not to current bishop or pope. The dissenters, on Right and Left, contradict each other.

This is no obedience at all. It means I will interpret Tradition, not some authority. But really it ends up as me following not Tradition itself, but the faux “magisterium” of some website, with cherry picked quotes.
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I don’t necessarily disagree with the overall comment here. However, how does that apply specifically to the SSPX, or even NO priests, cardinals and bishops who maintain the traditions and the traditional mass of the Catholic Church?
I don’t necessarily disagree with the overall comment here. However, how does that apply specifically to the SSPX, or even NO priests, cardinals and bishops who maintain the traditions and the traditional mass of the Catholic Church?
Well, I’m not sure how it applies to Cardinals, bishops, priests or other laity. I can notice this “anti authority mood” as a potential bias in myself, so it likely can be a bias in others.

On the other hand I also see confusion coming on all sides, more from secular but also from religion.

I don’t like our local official Catholic schools, so I helped start an unaffiliated orthodox Catholic school with (hesitant) permission of the bishop.

My previous pastor told my wife I was a reactionary, so I joined another parish, also in union with the diocese.

I loved the two previous popes.

In any era the current Magisterium is always the least reliable guide (except for all the other current guides, including those that cite Tradition.)

I can’t judge those who prayerfully discern to Mass at SSPX because I don’t know their local alternatives. But I can see long term problems when “temporary” solutions gradually become permanent; as they almost always do.
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However, how does that apply specifically to the SSPX, or even NO priests, cardinals and bishops who maintain the traditions and the traditional mass of the Catholic Church?
I know a few young Diocesan priests who offer the EF and OF. There once was considerable opposition to the TLM but that has diminished. These priests use their positions in the Church to gently invite parishioners to try out the EF. They are also at the table to join other orthodox priests in opposing abuses in general, and initiating some positive things in line with Catholic Tradition, especially with the unified regional prolife effort.

I’m sure the SSPX priest supports orthodoxy and prolife within his chapel.
I think it fine to attend at twenty past eight if there is a mass on 😉
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