We live in an era of anti religious authority. Every hero on TV is someone who thinks independently, not what The Authority says. Father does not Know Best, father is a fool in the comedies, abusive in dramas. Kids know more than parents.Is it ok to attend Mass at SSPX Chapels as of 2020?
Solid authoritative pastors are never depicted. If there is religious authority, it’s a show about a cult or abuse. Religious dissenters get free media coverage. Obedience is regarded as evil.
Websites on the Left and Right admit - no, they boast - they are independent of the Church. Many dissenters claim to be “obedient” to the Tradition, not to current bishop or pope. The dissenters, on Right and Left, contradict each other.
This is no obedience at all. It means I will interpret Tradition, not some authority. But really it ends up as me following not Tradition itself, but the faux “magisterium” of some website, with cherry picked quotes.
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