Attending SSPX?

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What is the worst outcome you could imagine if a bishop welcomed the SSPX in his diocese? (aside from the liberal backlash) Because while I don’t agree with everything the SSPX does and says, I can’t rule them “uncatholic” either…
I see it as a complicated situation.
In one sense, yes - people could just attend and the SSPX just do what it does. On the surface it doesn’t seem like a problem.
However, it’s a two-way street. If it might be easy for the bishop to say, “people can just attend the SSPX” as if they’re just part of the diocese - why doesn’t the SSPX just say “we’ll join the diocese”?
So that’s the problem. There’s distrust and disobedience built into the structure of the SSPX. Those attitudes are not-Catholic. They may not affect adults much, but what about kids? If the children learn that the diocese cannot be trusted, but “we have to attend here because it’s the only good place - and we have to actually defy the bishop and the Pope to do it” - won’t that have a big effect on the minds of the children?
it ends up often being about ego. “We’re better than them”.
Sadly, that is true in many very liberalized places. The SSPX is the only reasonable place.
But in places where there are very good priests, and also authorized Latin Masses in abundance - then what is the good justification for disobedience?
It’s a tough issue. I don’t really have the answer, except that I would always avoid the SSPX because of that attitude of rebellion and underlying pridefulness that is difficult to actually observe but which is present.
Why can’t all the diocesan priests just build a chapel and say Mass their own way, regardless of what the bishop tells them to do?
Obedience is part of the Catholic Faith.
Regardless, any Bishop who sees the SSPX as a danger to the faith and who singles them out in spite of inviting ecumenical worship with protestants (not necessarily an issue in itself) is way off course.
Anyone who has gone to the SSPX for their entire life also can’t be excommunicated for adhering to a schism.
The bishop, and you in your response, both raise good points.
Just look up the term Schism and you will see it doesn’t apply to the SSPX.
What is more; how can you be in Schism and posses ordinary jurisdiction for confession. Perhaps Pope Fracis doesn’t know Canon Law or Catholic theology and so he needs lay people on this forum to educate him?

Are these bishops approving illicit nuptial Masses ?

I don’t assist SSPX Masses, but no one will convince me that a Pope can grant them facilities in a cherry picked manner. The SSPX are either Roman Catholic clergy with full Apostolic succession, or they aren’t. And they are.

Pope Francis himself told +Fellay that the SSPX has been treated unfairly.

Anyone that cannot accept that, are no more in full communion with Pope Francis than the SSPX are claimed by some to lack.
From Morten Bay
“Anyone who has gone to the SSPX for their entire life also can’t be excommunicated for adhering to a schism.” (End)

I agree. The same holds true for Catholics who grew up in the PNCC.
The PNCC had kind of an irregular status for awhile, depending on the city. As time went on they decided to call their chapels “parishes” and their districts “Dioceses”. But they do almost the same function.

Originally their disagreement had only to do with a few Irish American bishops (not the pope) and theological distinctives developed much later. (As they always will).

So no, I wouldn’t call the Catholic who grew up in the PNCC or the more recent SSPX a schismatic. That’s where they grew up.
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