I learned contraception was wrong when I read Rome Sweet Home. The explanation Kimberly gives against it is just too powerful to be wrong.
Let me get this straight, an RCIA class taught you how to put on a toilet paper roll? Gee I must have been sick that day at school when they taught the class that in religion studiesa toilet paper roll
I suggest that it is not always true. The seriousness of the condition to be treated must be considered. If the ‘disease’ is not a serious condition, but simply uncomfortable or inconvenient, then using artificial hormones may not represent the greatest good when all things (e.g. reproductive damage, temporary or otherwise) are considered.It is true that a medicine taken for a diseased state that has the unintended consequence of sterility is acceptable.
“Contraception” is a specific term that means preventing pregnancy.
Therefore it is not accurate to say a woman can “use contraception” if they have a medical condition. It would be accurate to say “a woman can take medicine to treat her condition, even if that medicine causes temporary or permanent sterility”.
no that was a forced to attend pre marriage class that lasted 2 weekends, they actually spent more time on TP roll than NFP and contraception.Let me get this straight, an RCIA class taught you how to put on a toilet paper roll? Gee I must have been sick that day at school when they taught the class that in religion studies![]()
I see both means as being not open to life, using one means verses another does not make one better than another,My wife and I have been a marriage prep lead couple for several years, and a few times we have been asked the question, “Why is NFP OK and other means of contraception are not, if the intent and the result are the same?” We have developed two answers to this question that we believe promote understanding of what is true.
First, the ‘action’ of NFP is abstinence. Abstinence is simply NOT engaging in sexual relations for a specific time.
Are you serious? That is so strange.no that was a forced to attend pre marriage class that lasted 2 weekends, they actually spent more time on TP roll than NFP and contraception.
Adult convert here - and before I came into the Church, I did not have Catholic friends or family. In my experience, it was common knowledge that the Catholic Church taught that contraception was a big NO NO. I sort of wonder how someone could NOT know this
When I was in RCIA, I was given a catchesim and I read it - that confirmed what I already knew.
It wasn’t something people talked about back then. And when someone did talk about it, it was like driving 60 in a 55. Against the law, but not really a big deal.ok…I was raised in the “bad” years of catechesis. I was taught that it was wrong but it was pretty well assumed that you would use contraception. I don’t know how to explain it other than there was a distinct air of “here is the official teaching, of course you aren’t going to follow this antiquated rule”
I hear what you’re saying… but if there’s one thing I have learned from reading the threads on NFP & contraception here at CAF, it’s that despite what we as Catholics are taught and know to be true of Catholic Church teachings, there still seem to be different ‘interpretations’ amongst many posters… Whether it be due to how we were raised (if cradle Catholics) or who did the teaching (for those in RCIA, etc).Well, since this is a Catholic board… and the Catholic Church do not consider NFP contraception… I would assume it’s excluded.![]()
Unfortunatly i am very very serious,and they charge a pretty good sum of cash to go learn that stuff that is totally irrelavent.Are you serious? That is so strange.
Johntkd,I I see both means as being unopened to life,NFP removes intimacy,more often than not, makes intimate contact seem almost robotic, ex: i have to check this, i have to check that, wait may not be a good time, what if i am mistake a reading etc etc etc…
ABC causes many after effects, potentially fatal later in life.
if everyone believed what they try to tell you within the church etc that God never gives you more than you can handle, and to have trust in him if it was true there would be no need for any of it now would there?
so no i am not a fan of ABC nor do I believe NFP is any better.
the church may allow NFP, But the end results are still the same you are taking away from the marital act same as with ABC.
and all are very subject to failure and not even remotely close to 100%…unless you listen to promoters of NFP or ABC then the method they use is almost a certainty…
yep we also know we shouldnt label or judge people as idiots but some of us also do…Any idiot knows the Catholic church is opposed to contraception.
If they don’t know anything else about Catholicism, they know this.
Gee, that was nice and not judgmental at all. :dts:Any idiot knows the Catholic church is opposed to contraception.
If they don’t know anything else about Catholicism, they know this.
because in general they actually do, Catholics have the surveyed largest families of any other religion, esspecially in the USA.Why do non-Catholics (and Catholics) think Catholics have so many children?
You’re argument doesn’t make sense.because in general they actually do, Catholics have the surveyed largest families of any other religion, esspecially in the USA.
its not a bad thing. its just very well known is all as far as ABC goes there are as many Catholics using as non so thats not the issue, Maybe Catholics just like bigger Families.
I believe the National avg for kids is Catholics 4.3 per couple and non catholics 2.4 per couple so its really not that significant …
anyways thats why so many think the way they do…
:doh2: That explains some of it.Still, it takes a pretty ignorant Catholic not to know that the Church forbids contraception. MY RCIA class spent an entire night discussing NPV. For the 49 years before I joined the Church, I knew contraception was forbidden for a good 35 of those years.
ok…I was raised in the “bad” years of catechesis. I was taught that it was wrong but it was pretty well assumed that you would use contraception. I don’t know how to explain it other than there was a distinct air of “here is the official teaching, of course you aren’t going to follow this antiquated rule”
And the families that I knew didn’t have lots of children. My parents had two, of my aunts and uncle, not one had more than three children. A couple of my aunts and uncles have been divorced and remarried. I didn’t hear the word annulment until I was an adult and I was talking to someone that had received one, so I don’t think my aunts and uncles went through the process.It wasn’t something people talked about back then. And when someone did talk about it, it was like driving 60 in a 55. Against the law, but not really a big deal.