Attraction vs Lust: Where is the Line Where Mortal Sin Happens

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Hi, I am a teen undergoing puberty.

I always tend to be attracted to girls. When I look at a girl, my mind creates lustful things about her, I think of other things, tries to remove it and look back at her and happens again.

I always overthink of my actions (probably of OCD), I always think that I entertained lustful thoughts. I need help on determining if I entertained lustful thoughts. Can you give situations?

Thank You!
Clearly distinguish in your mind between a desire and a decision. Lustful thoughts can be involuntary and there is no sin in that. If you deliberately decide that you want to think and do lustful things, then there is sin. For example, you might imagine situations of sin, but not actually decide that you would do those things. That’s different than having a lustful thought, and then deciding for it.

A sin is not just an intrusive thought, but something you know is wrong and want to think about anyway so you try to think about it, stir it up in your mind, and dwell on it.

I hope that helps a bit, but in any case, speak to your confessor about this. Your age, tendency to scrupulosity (OCD) and anything else they know about you can help them give you better advice than anyone could over the Internet.
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How can I say that I have entertained the thought? I know that if you masturbated it is a mortal sin, but how about what you think, how do I know that I have allowed it?
That confuses me. Assuming you meet your wife. That initial impression changes respiration, dialation of the eyes, a series of other imperceptible involuntary biological responses. They are physical and inform our conscious perception. I don’t see how they are segregated physical and heart. Since this is a natural response, there is no reason to think negatively. Lust has to be something more it seems. And nobody is going to convince me that even with a wife, there will not be biologically driven moments of lust. Moments!
How can you know it is a mortal sin? It can be objectively grave or disordered but that does not automatically equate to mortal.
I see a terrible danger perceiving God’s interaction with us through fear. Namely, it destroys our purpose, which is Divine Union and an intimate relationship with God.
You cannot have intimacy with an omnipotent wrathful God that you fear is ready to send you to eternal fire. There are bad people that do bad things to others. Eternal fire for masturbating? “ETERNAL”? There is a signal being crossed here between living a good life and intimacy with God. We all saw it since we were young. I have no answer but I do find hope in the words, God offers salvation not because we are good, but because God is good.
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Lust objectifies the person, making them into an object of pleasure. You are free to do so, but it has an ultimate cost.
Lust objectifies. I don’t disagree. There is harm in relationship when there is objectification. The harm is mainly to ourselves although we don’t see it. That said, understanding harm and engaging in an act of biology does not segregate perfectly. I think the idea of eternal damnation when it is your wife is difficult to accept
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If you don’t know if you have entertained a thought, then it could not be a mortal sin, at least. Do not torment yourself about this. For more guidance you need to speak with a priest, preferably your regular confessor.
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As long as you don’t consent to the lustful thought, it is only a temptation.

I recommend during this circumstance to pray for Our Lady and Saint Joseph. They will help you keep your chastity.

And remember. In case you do fall, that is, consent to the thought, Do an act of contrition immediately and then Confess asap.
Sometimes when the temptation is strong, I cannot determine if I entertained it
Hi, I am a teen undergoing puberty.

I always tend to be attracted to girls. When I look at a girl, my mind creates lustful things about her, I think of other things, tries to remove it and look back at her and happens again.

I always overthink of my actions (probably of OCD), I always think that I entertained lustful thoughts. I need help on determining if I entertained lustful thoughts. Can you give situations?

Thank You!
Actual sin is voluntary.

Baltimore Catechism
Q. 1318. Are impure thoughts and desires always sins?
A. Impure thoughts and desires are always sins, unless they displease us and we try to banish them.
Billy Graham gave a talk on lust vs attraction.

From what I remember and the Church confirms this, lust is a disordered desire for another person and through our will we would make that act happen if possible.

Attraction is seeing the other person as attractive both physically and personally. That is not lust, but how humans mate with each other. However, we as Christians mate with the other under the conditions designed by God, which we call, marriage.
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