Augustine is the First Leader of the Catholic Institution

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You know what the Lord Jesus said about where not to cast one’s pearls…
Dispute not with a man of railing speech, heap no wood upon his fire.
-Sirach 8:3
And true.

The only reason I continue to respond to bibleapologist’s posts is that I do not want to leave the impression for anyone who may have come to this forum seeking truth, that Catholics have no response.
The only reason I continue to respond to bibleapologist’s posts is that I do not want to leave the impression for anyone who may have come to this forum seeking truth, that Catholics have no response.
God Bless you for this.
I did, too, until I read this article which he wrote and posted on his website entitled “Catholic Persecution”. Here is the conclusion of the article:

" In fact the very act posting this page to the web, is cause for my death as an interdict to stop any incitation of oppositional ideologies from infecting the Catholic Church, or potential adherants to Catholicism. If it were not for the Constitution of the United States of America they would have every legal right to come and take my home, property, family, savings account, banish my family, and burn me at the stake. Thank God for our country!

For more reading on the Catholic Organization, and what the purpose of their Dominion Worldview plans to accomplish - click here.

John Hardin"

Check out the “click here” link, by the way. The site includes a skull and Halloween music.

That was fun 🙂

Inaccurate, alarmist, ill-informed - but (in its way) fun. ##

…Unlike this - which IMO says everything:

"The Devil is the father, master, overseer and guide of all papists–

“Experience teaches that there is no other remedy for the evil, but to put heretics (Protestants) to death; for the (Romish) church proceeded gradually and tried every remedy: at first she merely excommunicatied them; afterwards she added a fine; then she banished them; and finally she was constrained to put them to death.”
Cardinal Bellarmine
famous champion of Romanism cited by Schumucker p. 76."

Lower down the page:​

"Is the Inquisition Over?

According to The American Textbook of Popery:

The usurped power of the Romish Prelates and Inquisitors to imprision, torture, confiscate, condemn, and burn Protestants, is only suspended in its operation."

Wrong. And since the AToP was written by an author who died in 1845, it is hardly a reliable source for Catholicism today.

“That the Pope worships a god other than the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ought not surprise us when one considers that both Islam and Romanism come from the same Babylonian stock. (Source: 8/94, Perilous Times.)”

IOW - the standard Jack Chick line

Bibleapologist is just another ill-informed Catholic-basher :(. I thought better of him than that. ##
These anti-Catholics need to get together and decide on who EXACTLY it was that hijacked the true Christian Church. Some say Augustine, others Paul, and other Ignatius and Polycarp. Get your “you-know-whats” together, dudes. I can’t believe such theories ever had me worried.
And unfortunately, bibleapologist never came to this thread to defend his claims despite having been invited.
Because he cannot.

I went to his website and have checked some of his recent postings here. His decent beginning has sadly deteriorated . . .
And unfortunately, bibleapologist never came to this thread to defend his claims despite having been invited.

I wish he would. Maybe he got bogged down in a different thread.​

I don’t mind attacks on the Church - but I do mind accusations of serious wrong-doing. I don’t being called a son of satan purely because I’m a Catholic; but I do mind people’s neglecting to justify using that kind of language. To accuse people of worshipping the devil because they adore the Blessed Sacrament, & not justifying that sort of language when
  • we explain what we do
  • why we do it
  • why we are convinced that it is the revealed Will of of God that we should do it
  • & why we see it as authentically Christian even despite the objections that can be made against it
    is a very bad idea. IMO, it’s immoral - Christians, Catholic or not, should not go around demonising entire bodies of Christians.
These anti-Catholics need to get together and decide on who EXACTLY it was that hijacked the true Christian Church. Some say Augustine, others Paul, and other Ignatius and Polycarp. Get your “you-know-whats” together, dudes. I can’t believe such theories ever had me worried.

They may think it happened gradually. That’s the point of these lists of “Roman Catholic Heresies and Errors” - to show that century by century, Rome has more & more ceased to be Christian.​

This is harder to refute than the theory of an instantaneous apostasy, with Rome ceasing to be Christian (rather than more or less Christian, but pock-marked by errors of various kinds) in one given year or period. But both theories are impossible to maintain, for a variety of reasons.

Reading certain NT texts as proof that the Church was apostatising in the first century proves too much - maybe the critic is apostate without knowing it. If the Church went rotten so soon; or **if **(big assumption here) the apostate body in the NT is a presently-existing body (why must it be ?), maybe the critic’s own beliefs are as erroneous as that of us abominable Papists 🙂 Why not ? No reason whatever. ##
Hold on,
We are talking about Augustine of Hippo right?

How can he claim that Augustine was the first leader of the Catholic Church, if he was, why are we now based in Rome and not in Hippo.

Just trying to keep things straight.

A lone Raven
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