HUH??? Did they circumcise baby girls??? I know some cultures do, but I thought in the Jewish Traditon the males were circumcised? Am I mistaken? I have never heard this before.St.If the child can speak for themselves, they could choose to not be baptized. But infants cannot speak for themselves.
Thank goodness! Long live uncircumsized baby girls!
I say long live uncircumcised baby boys as well… it’s painful genital mutilation and unnecessary for Christian salvation, the medical benefits fall far below the risk of complication for the procedure. I read quite a few studies from AAP, as well as Canadian and European studies, before making my decision. People treat circumcision like it’s a haircut! BTW My son has never had a Urinary Tract infection. We are so glad we decided not to put our baby boy through an unnecessary medical procedure cutting his poor little delicate skin… just my opinion, I’m not criticizing others who decided to do it.