Baby needs parents or will be target of euthanasia

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Nick Silverio of Safe Haven for Newborns in Florida has asked that we spread the word of a disabled newborn in need of adoption.
The child, born today, has no arms, only one leg, and is missing a good portion of his jaw - but his prognosis is good. The baby was abandoned by his mother under the Florida Safe Haven law and, unless potential adoptive parents can be found quickly, the child will become a ward of the state (and, it is feared, the target of euthanasia). The Florida Department of Children and Families will not become involved unless information is obtained that may suggest some type of abuse or neglect (which is not evident at this time). Catholic Charities in Florida is not currently able to assist with adoption services.
This is horrible,you need to copy and paste this in Terris forum as well,Do you have a link?:eek:
Catholic Charities in Florida is not currently able to assist with adoption services.
The child, born today, has no arms, only one leg, and is missing a good portion of his jaw - but his prognosis is good. The baby was abandoned by his mother under the Florida Safe Haven law and, unless potential adoptive parents can be found quickly, the child will become a ward of the state (and, it is feared, the target of euthanasia). The Florida Department of Children and Families will not become involved unless information is obtained that may suggest some type of abuse or neglect (which is not evident at this time). Catholic Charities in Florida is not currently able to assist with adoption services.

Is there any reason that Catholic Charities of Florida can assist with adoption services? May I ask what happens when people such as Lisa4Catholics actually convice women who were going to have abortions to not kill their babies but to go to term and give them up for adoption? May I ask who’s helping thsese girls since Catholic charities of Florida isn’t??

And, if this be not too presumptuous, may I ask who made the decision to desert the most vulnerable among us??

*"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’

Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’

He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’…"*

Matthew 25:31-33, 41-45 NAB

Do they REALLY WANT to hear those words? Do they really think that the Lord won’t come as an INFANT?

Remember those who are running Catholic Charities in your prayers. Pray that Our Lord cause them to see that situations like this require their network, and that their willingess to provide it is the proof of their love for Him!

Blessings and Peace, Michael
There is something really weird about this thread…

I am not ready to believe it…

The links don’t appear quite right :confused:

I’m going to check some things out and I’ll get back to you :confused:
Traditional Ang:

Is there any reason that Catholic Charities of Florida can assist with adoption services? May I ask what happens when people such as Lisa4Catholics actually convice women who were going to have abortions to not kill their babies but to go to term and give them up for adoption? May I ask who’s helping thsese girls since Catholic charities of Florida isn’t??
Catholic Charities offers adoption counselling services, but does not itself adopt children. They match prospective parents with babies and children. If they don’t have anyone on their list who is willing to adopt the child (assuming this entire story is true, I cannot find a reference to it anywhere else) how is the CC’s fault? Catholic Charities does a wonderful job, but they are limited into how many babies and children they can place by the number of couples or individuals who are willing to adopt, and by the preferences of the adopting families.
I just posted this at the other board I use. Hopefully someone will com e forward…
I called Nick today and he had great news! The baby will soon be adopted! If you email him then maybe he could tell you about why Catholic Charities isn’t assisting in adoption, but I don’t know. This is a true story. I got the information from our State’s Right to Life Committee. Thank you for your concerns for this baby. This is wonderful news!
I called Nick today and he had great news! The baby will soon be adopted! If you email him then maybe he could tell you about why Catholic Charities isn’t assisting in adoption, but I don’t know. This is a true story. I got the information from our State’s Right to Life Committee. Thank you for your concerns for this baby. This is wonderful news!
Yes, indeed wonderful news… 👍
I called Nick today and he had great news! The baby will soon be adopted! If you email him then maybe he could tell you about why Catholic Charities isn’t assisting in adoption, but I don’t know. This is a true story. I got the information from our State’s Right to Life Committee. Thank you for your concerns for this baby. This is wonderful news!
That is great:clapping: :yup: :dancing:
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