Back labor vs what else?

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Women generally deliver on their backs because it’s customary, and easier for the doctor (they can sit on a stool and get a full view). It’s really an illogical position to birth in, though. It’s painful, it reduces the width of your pelvis, and you have to work against gravity instead of with it. There’s really no reason to make women do it, hopefully it will change (it’s starting to). Squatting is the position that most women will choose instinctively (if they haven’t received pain medications). It’s not seen as “ladylike” in our society, though. (Which I think is silly! Who cares how lady like it is, you’re pushing a human being out!)

Anyway, as others said, back labor is normally from the baby being posterior. My second was posterior, it was awful. The midwife finally got her to turn (she had me get on my knees and lay my head and chest on the ground, which was uncomfortable, but got her to turn).
lol what a timely thread. My little one is MOST DEFINATELY posterier…She doesn’t seem to care that I’ve been doing my pelvic rocks and haunting that Spinning Babies site mentioned above.

Oh well. I begged God “any position…just not breech!! Just please not breech!! I really really don’t want a c-section!!” Looks like I’ve have some excellent suffering to offer up :rolleyes:
try this

sift is get on all fours and have your DH use a ssome kind of long material (a rebozo is traditionally used) to cover your belly, he holds both ends in each hand above you and sifts your belly slowly, then gets a lot faster and then slowly agan

circle: sit on the exercise ball and circle around

lift: get on lots of pillows so your butt is in the air and stay there for several min

this will help the baby out of the pelivs and hopefully when he/she falls back in it will be anterior

i gave this adivce to someone online that was having her 4th but this one was breech and she was fearing a csec instead of homebirth…she did it and it worked
it’s usually the woman on her back, either on a bed or in a water tub. I think because, for the interest of modesty, it’s easier to be discreet filming women in that position rather than some others. 😉
Women generally deliver on their backs because it’s customary, and easier for the doctor (they can sit on a stool and get a full view). It’s really an illogical position to birth in, though. It’s painful, it reduces the width of your pelvis, and you have to work against gravity instead of with it. There’s really no reason to make women do it, hopefully it will change (it’s starting to). Squatting is the position that most women will choose instinctively (if they haven’t received pain medications). It’s not seen as “ladylike” in our society, though. (Which I think is silly! Who cares how lady like it is, you’re pushing a human being out!)

Anyway, as others said, back labor is normally from the baby being posterior. My second was posterior, it was awful. The midwife finally got her to turn (she had me get on my knees and lay my head and chest on the ground, which was uncomfortable, but got her to turn).
**You gotta be kidding me folks?:confused: Do you seriously think that naked on the back (those paper sheets don’t count!) with their legs up in the air is modest at all, much less more modest than simply squating or using a birthing chair? (You can use a birthing chair with meds as long as you are not left alone.) I’ve used these positions with several of mine and it was MUCH MORE modest and comfortable than on the back or any other position I’m aware of. There is nothing to see unless you want to see something and even then a person would have to squat too to see anything. The hospital gown, robe, or just a big shirt covers almost everything.👍 **

The ONLY reason to be on the back is because that is what the dr prefers to make his job easier or the mother incapable of doing otherwise for some reason.

**Now for me, it’s not so much modesty as basic human dignity. I’ll do whatever I feel is neccessary for the situation, but I expect to be treated with dignity. I’m a human. I’m Mrs. Rob. I’m Baby’s mom. Not patient rm #123, guinea pig A, or a deaf piece of meat.:rolleyes: **
**You gotta be kidding me folks?:confused: Do you seriously think that naked on the back (those paper sheets don’t count!) with their legs up in the air is modest at all, much less more modest than simply squating or using a birthing chair? **

Dude, the only time I EVER got naked was with my first one, and if my husband hadn’t told me about it months after, it would have been some lost memory of mine. Appearantly, I was having some sort of “Xena, Warrior Princess” moment or something, and stripped down. 😉 I have absolutely no memory of it.

But as for the modesty thing, whoever mentioned the fact that conventional measurements of modesty are rightly flung out the window during that particular time in a woman’s life has got it right.
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