Baptismal Sponsor Question

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My wife and I are expecting a baby in June, and planning for a baptism in July. A very good friend of my wife is a Catholic but not confirmed. He is faithful - in our eyes a Catholic role model, and would be well suited to the office of sponsor. We would very much like to have him be the sponsor, but will his pre-confirmation status will prevent him from acting as such?

Now, we are aware that the Code of Canon Law allows a baptized non-Catholic to stand in “simply as a witness.” Would he nonetheless be allowed to take the baptismal vows on behalf of the baptised? And would it be inappropriate in that circumstance to call him the child’s ‘godfather’?
I believe that the rules are that a baptismal sponsor must be a fully initiated practicing Catholic in good standing, and to meet that he must be confirmed. He could probably be a witness at the baptism. Perhaps you should look into having your friend confirmed. Since you say that he is a good Catholic role model, is there a reason he is not yet confirmed?

Perhaps you should look into having your friend confirmed. Since you say that he is a good Catholic role model, is there a reason he is not yet confirmed?
Does one suppose there is enough time to have somebody confirmed between now and mid-July?
Does one suppose there is enough time to have somebody confirmed between now and mid-July?
That depends on your diocese’s rules. Cardinal Keeler (Archdiocese of Baltimore) has asked that adult confirmandi participate in a 6-8 week preparation course, in the late spring, so that they may be confirmed at the cathedral on Pentecost. These requirements vary, as I indicated, from diocese to diocese.

JMJ, pray for us,

Yes your friend can and should be the godfather of your child.

The Church asks and prefers that the candidate be a fully initiated catholic. Baptism is the requirement. You should encourage him to seek preparation for confirmation though, since Confirmation (along with Baptism and Eucharist) FULLY initiates one into the Family of God. If he is a good catholic and role model, and if he really loves the Lord and His Church, he should WANT to be confirmed.

Congratulations on the baby 👍

How funny, My husband and I are expecting our 4th in June. We were in the same predicament. The Godfather was in good standing with the church, just never confirmed. We talked to our Parish Priest. He (Our Priest) went to our Bishop and requested to confirm him. He will be receiving Confirmation this weekend. The entire process took about 4 weeks. You should have plenty of time before the baptism. One of the biggest reasons we requested him to become confirmed was, as a Godfather, he will be needing all the grace possible to be the best Godfather possible. Confirmation blesses with so much Grace! And with him becoming a true soldier for Christ in Confirmation God could put so much more into his life with his new committment now that he has accepted his role as a full Catholic. We would love for him to be an even better Role Model for our Child, as we attempt to do everything we could as parents. God Bless!!
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