Barr says no need for special counsels

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Phew! I was worried Barr was evil. I’m glad to see that’s not true.
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either that or the deep state go to him. cue spooky music
I think he’s been trying to salvage some of his reputation before leaving office.
AG Barr really has nothing to lose at this point, and possibly something to gain for his legacy. So who’s left to stand beside Trump to the bitter end, apart from Pence?
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Even Pence has been studiously avoiding getting too deeply involved in backing up the president’s fraud claims, I’ve noticed. He’s keeping his head down.
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Even Pence has been studiously avoiding …
Pence has been studiously silent the entire time. There’s nothing different about his behavior now. As Adams said, “the most insignificant Office that ever the Invention of Man contrived or his imagination conceived …”. Seems it might have been the office that’s keeping him out of the spotlight.
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