Barry Bonds???

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What should happen to Barroid because of his steroid use?
My husband - who lives and breathes baseball – asked me what I thought about Barry Bonds’ explanation that he did not know what he was using. I told him that Bonds is either the stupidest person around or he’s lying. My husband responded that Bonds is anything but stupid.

I think:
  • The situation should be thoroughly investigated by an independent party.
  • If it is shown that Bonds knowingly used steroids, he sould be suspended - not sure for how long.
  • Even if he did not know, the homeruns (and other relevant stats) during the time in question should be removed from his record
Oops. I meant to post this in “The Water Cooler”

Oh well.

I agree with you, Liz B.
Oops. I meant to post this in “The Water Cooler”

Oh well.

I agree with you, Liz B.
sweetchuck, this thread’s underlying theme is about honesty and truthfulness. How many of us are tempted to do something non-Christian-like: being lazy at work, not being honest when confronted with a direct question, ill qualty of goods leaving your place of business, stealing from the company office, etc.

Barry Bonds’ job IS playing baseball. When he goes to ‘work’ with his team, he should be giving his best without temptation to sin. IMO for him to take steroids, he cheated on his ‘true’ physical performance.
Watching a fastball coming towards him is not enhanced by the physical steroids, the distance he hits the ball is.

I am sure Bonds trusted his trainer/friend with what ‘medications’ he was given. I am sure when your body grows 25-30 pounds of muscle weight in a couple of months, YOU have to know something is going on with you.

Bonds needs to come clean (literally) and tell the truth for integrity sake.
I think another issue here is disrespect for the body. To me this is just as bad as drug abuse, tattooing or piercing and other mutilations. There are too many people now who will do anything, take anything to enhance themselves no matter what happens in the future. They’re making a deal with Satan, who will collect eventually.
Barry is quite possibly the best player EVER in baseball (though we’re prejudiced in our house; my dad coached him and knew his trainer, a lifelong friend of Bonds), and I am so SHOCKED and DISAPPOINTED to read all this. I honestly don’t know what should happen to him. I cannot believe he would willingly take steroids, etc. and I also cannot believe that he wouldn’t have any idea what was going on with his body. This just makes me sick; frankly I’m personally offended. My dad can’t even handle thinking about it! I think with or without “performance enhancers” Barry would be breaking all the records, but this does put a stain on his career. I hope it’s not “goodbye Hall of Fame” because I’ve been waiting my whole life to go to that Induction! (We live an hour from Cooperstown.)

What? Barry Bonds & steroids isn’t moral theology?

I had a feeling this thread would get moved somewhere sooner or later. Oopsie! 😃
Barry Bonds is an arrogant snob. A couple of years ago Barry, Giambi, and Bernie Williams came to Japan for the yearly MLB All stars vs. Japanese All stars. My sons basesball team went to a TV prom that these guys were doing and I went too. After the show, Barry walked right in front of me and I said, “Hey, Barry! How’s it going?” Well, not only did he not even say anything to me, he looked at me like I was some kind of Alien freak. I guess I wasn’t worthy. Jerk.
Bonds vs Rose. I would rather my kids did neither but I will take gambling over drugs every time. Remove his name from all record books and ban him for life.
IMO, whether Bonds used steroids is between him and God. He still has to step up to the plate, decide whether to swing or not a ball travelling 90+ mph in less than half a second. Then he has to make contact and hit the ball into the field of play.

Steroids or not, he’s still the best hitter in baseball and has been for years. If he breaks Aaron’s record it will be only because he successfully performed a task in a profession which pays millions of $$$ to people who are only successful 30% of the time.
IMO, whether Bonds used steroids is between him and God. He still has to step up to the plate, decide whether to swing or not a ball travelling 90+ mph in less than half a second. Then he has to make contact and hit the ball into the field of play.

Steroids or not, he’s still the best hitter in baseball and has been for years. If he breaks Aaron’s record it will be only because he successfully performed a task in a profession which pays millions of $$$ to people who are only successful 30% of the time.
If he used Steroids, he cheated, by building up his muscles on steroids he was able to hit a home run when he would have flied out with out them.
What should happen to Barroid because of his steroid use?
The option that I have thought about is not listed. I think he should be made to repay any bonuses that have been paid to him, and an astersisk placed by his name on all records he holds. And of course mandatory random drug testing. The same for Jason Giambi.
If he used Steroids, he cheated, by building up his muscles on steroids he was able to hit a home run when he would have flied out with out them.
Not if they weren’t against the rules during the time he used them.
Not if they weren’t against the rules during the time he used them.
You have your opinion about Bonds and I have mine. They are at opposite ends of the spectrum, but in the end he is not important to me. I doubt that he gives a hoot about me or my family and I don’t care what baseball does to him, it will not effect my life one bit. I gave up on baseball years ago. IMO they are a bunch of over paid jocks playing a kids game.
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