I agree that we currently don’t have (and may never have) a completely accurate map of which physical structures and interactions within the brain are attributable to which mental states and perceptions. But the example you gave of the patient identifying the portion of her brain that was associated with her condition does not imply that there is necessarily anything beyond the physical. As far as I can see, your assertions to the contrary do not follow logically from the examples you’ve given, nor have you offered any other substantiation.
We actually do have a very accurate map of the physical structures, including the tracts that link the various areas of the brain. The amount of information about the proteins that form the supporting structure and physiological activity of the functioning brain is astounding.
I’m not sure how one can communicate what should be obvious, that any discussion of physical components (such as the channels that allow for ionic exchange, receptors and neurotransmitters, the growth cones at the ends of axons which seek out their destination, guided by molecules produced by surrounding cells, etc, etc) is not about the reality of thought and perception. It is of a totally different order although they both tell us about what it means to be a human person.
How does one substantiate a perspective? If one stubs one’s toe on a table leg and needs substantiation that it hurts, they have intellectualized themselves out of reality. “It hurts” is different than talk of the nociceptors, and the prostaglandins, potassium, serotonin, bradykinin, histamine, and substance P, which are released to trigger a neurological resonse which cascades through the pain, fibres, spinal cord and brain. These physical substances do not produce pain; they are the physical reality of a person in pain. The neurotransmitter dopamine sitting in a jar is not ecstatic. Released by a psychoactive substance, within the brain, a person will feel good, for a time. The basic reality is of the person, multidimensional and made up of parts.
A person thinks and feels and sees. A person acts. A person is whole, one. That wholeness holds together all the neuronal functioning that exists in relation to the physical world of which it is a part. The universe is composed of entities having specific forms, comprised of parts that form the particular whole and can also be isolated. They themselves are parts of the rest that is totality of creation, and with which they are continuous. Although our body may be understood to be like some noodle in a cosmic minestrone. our consciousness is not. We as persons are individual, separate, existing in relation to and capable of giving ourselves to all other being. This wholeness, separation and capacity to connect is the possibility of love.