Basketball game/church

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His opening post makes it sound like he is trying to justify missing Friday night Mass in favor of watching the basketball game which happens to be on at the same time and is just taping a televised Mass for later viewing.
Friday night Mass does not meet the obligation. If he’d prefer the game that night it’s fine. If it was Saturday night (and therefore would satisfy the obligation) he should prioritize Mass.
Since he specified going to Mass on Friday night, @Elf01, that is the Mass I kept my response focused on. I’m sure the OP knows that a weekday/weeknight Mass does not fulfill the Sunday obligation.
Exactly. Fr. Mike Schmitz actually had a whole podcast (having trouble finding it at the moment) about this saying how a protestant pastor in Minnesota once cancelled his Sunday service so that the whole congregation could go watch the Vikings play, but so much more should be expected of Christians (in loving God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind) since things like basketball games or sports are temporary, yet matters of the spirit/soul are eternal.

To the OP: Why can’t you go to Saturday vigil mass to fulfill your Sunday obligation?
PS, Bo Rinehart from the christian band NEEDTOBREATHE is going to be playing in the NBA Celeb All-Star game, Friday at 7 Eastern on ESPN, which is the only reason I care to watch the game.
Keep in mind that there are some well known Catholic celebs in sports (i.e. Nick Saban) who always make mass a priority on gamedays despite having a busy schedule afterwards. I’d kindly advise you do the same either before/during/after your drive back to your hometown
Then why didn’t he say that? The only day he actually mentions traveling in his posts is Sunday. It is only assumed that he is traveling out of town for the religious event he says he’s attending on Saturday (in which case, he’d be better off going to bed early and DVRing both if he truly can’t make it to Mass Friday night).

His opening post makes it sound like he is trying to justify missing Friday night Mass in favor of watching the basketball game which happens to be on at the same time and is just taping a televised Mass for later viewing.
Got me. OP didn’t frame his question very clearly.

But since he’s not under any obligation to go to mass on Friday and it won’t fulfill his obligation anyway, he doesn’t have to go to mass over watching the game. I’m not certain he’s clear on what does and doesn’t fulfill his obligation.
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