Hey guys im a Catholic living in a vibrant Catholic Parish which i love as the people are amazing and most friendly but recently our Parish decided to start an alpha program which has it’s origins in Protestantism. It’s intentions is to be non denominational and to bring Christians together to learn and discuss the very basics of the Christian faith, being Catholic i was quite skeptical about a Catholic parish endorsing this but after a few weeks of going and very much enjoying it i found no conflict with it until half way in. First of all it is when one topic about God’s forgiveness where the host of the show advised Christians to simply ask for God’s foreignness and it is given to them nullifying the need for the sacrament of confession and contradicting what God instituted.
Most recently the hosts started to talk about laying hands on people and praying over to heal them like Charismatic groups, even inviting people to go to healing events where people will sit in a hall and have healers heal them in the name of God. At a recent Alpha retreat day during the charismatic praise music there were a number of Catholics with their hands up in the air speaking in what they believed to be tongues. These practices obviously influenced by modern charismatics are ruining the Church, in a world so skeptical of religion we must be very careful how we present ourselves as we must be able to present the Truth. Is God just a emotional high like these charismatics believe, is the choice to mumble in tongues which is a complete and utter nonsense interpretation of the bible to be accepted as normal in Catholicism today over language expressed through art rationally? I have been told by many that it is quite common now in certain parishes. How did this happen? How did we go from influencing the great poets, literature, science, music etc which all help explain reality to a pop cultured feel good gang of pop songs that are cheesy at best…
Most recently the hosts started to talk about laying hands on people and praying over to heal them like Charismatic groups, even inviting people to go to healing events where people will sit in a hall and have healers heal them in the name of God. At a recent Alpha retreat day during the charismatic praise music there were a number of Catholics with their hands up in the air speaking in what they believed to be tongues. These practices obviously influenced by modern charismatics are ruining the Church, in a world so skeptical of religion we must be very careful how we present ourselves as we must be able to present the Truth. Is God just a emotional high like these charismatics believe, is the choice to mumble in tongues which is a complete and utter nonsense interpretation of the bible to be accepted as normal in Catholicism today over language expressed through art rationally? I have been told by many that it is quite common now in certain parishes. How did this happen? How did we go from influencing the great poets, literature, science, music etc which all help explain reality to a pop cultured feel good gang of pop songs that are cheesy at best…
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