i felt Church teaching was on God’s forgiveness which proclaimed that one only need asked for it nullifying the need for the sacrament of confession
The difference is how one defines “ask for it”. Yes, we MUST ask for forgiveness of sins, we must repent. I would hope we all do this at least once each day. Making an act of Contrition is part of our daily prayer.
For serious sins, the Catholic completes this repentance by seeking out Sacramental Confession.
These are not two different things, but, one thing expanded.
Remember, Alpha is designed for people who have never been taught anything, those who do not know the basics of Christianity.
Think of it as teaching American History to a person who just landed here from another galaxy. In the first sessions you paint with broad strokes “The United States of America declared herself an independent nation on July 4, 1776. The first President of the United States was George Washington.”
These two statements are true. What is also true is the extensive development of the infant USA from colonies to a nation, what is also true is that George Washington was not elected until more than a decade AFTER the Declaration of Independence.
The early learner facts are not changed by the more detailed facts.
another week where it asked does God still heal today.
God does still heal. Reports of healings are to be submitted to the local ordinary, etc.
Here the host talked about how effective charismatic healing groups were and encouraged others to go along to these.
That is the Charismatic Renewal talking, not the Alpha course.
Maybe volunteer to be on the Alpha team?