Beard Poll (For the men)

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Considering the strong heritage of great Catholic men with beards, I thought I would make a poll…
  • I have never purposefully grown facial hair
  • I have purposefully grown facial hair (If yes, please specify)
  • Short beard
  • Long beard
  • Moustache
  • Goatee
  • Van Dyke
  • Other (Please specify)
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I have not had a beard since 1995. I prefer the clean shaven look.
One of those guys - who cant grow a beard -
Baseball players have beards galore.
Most men dont, because their wives don’t want them to.
I’ll be honest, I’m lazy when it comes to shaving. I keep the stubble look, taking a razor to it once a week. There was a time years ago when I was busy with work that I let it grow somewhat longer, and it tended to be red. Now it is getting gray, and so it is not all that noticeable.
Most men dont, because their wives don’t want them to.
I first started letting mine grow out after my ex and I separated, since she always preferred me clean shaven.
A couple of times I let my facial hair grow. Each time, after 6 weeks or so, I was disappointed with the thinness of it, so I went back to shaving.

The last time, I shaved first only one side of my face. That looked really funny, and I took pictures. It was also weird and unsettling, so I immediately shaved off the other half.

In the same vein, look up monkey-tail beards:

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For me, it is a scrawny attempt at a beard and 'stache. Still, I keep it, because it makes me look my age.
DH refuses to grow one. Says it comes out an ugly color.

Our previous pastor let his beautifully trimmed short beard grow out in to a long, ugly, disheveled rats nest of a thing. 😱 People wonder if he’s going through some kind of crisis!
Many years ago, one of the technicians at Motorola decided to grow a beard. His manager told him to shave it off. (Hey, this was in the 60s). Instead, he plucked a really thin line down the middle from his lip to his neck. Manager told him he had to shave off that beard or else. Tech responded that he didn’t have a beard, just long sideburns.

He actually got away with it. Humor and innovation count!
Dh has a long, full beard. For Christmas I bought him some products from this company. They smell soooooooooo good!
I’ve been thinking about getting something from them for my husband! Right now, he just has a goatee, which is how he was when I met him and is his “normal look.” He tends to let his beard grow out a bit when it gets cooler. I don’t mind the beard look as long as it isn’t too long or wild and is kept trimmed.
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I’ve gone back and forth between no beard, stubble, short beard, and large robust beard.

I’m sure the big beard will be back sometime, but the whole “beard culture” got annoying. In rebellion, I shaved it off awhile ago. I have stubble now and keeping it that way indefinitely.
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I grow my beard seasonally, starting in no-shave November. I keep it during the cold months, as I run and cycle, and it keeps my face warm. I shave it off once it gets consistently warm - more aerodynamic!
I miss having my beard but my wife hates it. Sad is the day that I had to shave 😦
Full long beard here a don’t trim it. I only get it trimmed when I go to the barbers for a head shave. Which generally is just to shape it a little and tame the sides which grow crazy bushy if left well alone.
I had a beard for many years, nothing too big because it is hard to maintain. Always complaints by my wife. Finally after many years I decided to shave about a few weeks ago. Now my wife wants the beard back. Go figure!

St.Clement of Alexandria has good writings about how havung hair defines the character/gender of a man.
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