I’ve worn a goatee, and later a van dyke, since I was a sophomore in high school. It hides my double chin nicely.
You just gave me an idea !!! I’ll have to try thatThe last time, I shaved first only one side of my face. That looked really funny, and I took pictures. It was also weird and unsettling, so I immediately shaved off the other half.
In the same vein, look up monkey-tail beards:
Monkey Tail Beard - Have You Tried It? Here Is Why You Shouldn't - Beardoholic
No, what wives want is for men to keep them groomed, but most men who attempt to grow one and then give up is because their wife hates it is because they dont take the effort to care for them…MsHereIam loves mine!Most men dont, because their wives don’t want them to.