Canonically there’s not an upper age limit, but all dioceses have guidelines on this. You’ll have to check with your own diocese for specifics.Is there a maximum age requirement?
God bless,
Canonically there’s not an upper age limit, but all dioceses have guidelines on this. You’ll have to check with your own diocese for specifics.Is there a maximum age requirement?
The deacon assists at Mass by beginning certain prayers at the beginning; reading the Gospel, occasionally giving a homily, preparing the altar, holding up the chalice during the exposition, announcing the exchange of peace, assisting in distrbuting Communion, cleaning the vessels after Communion, and announcing the end of Mass. None of it requires the deacon to be on the altar, and if a parish has several deacons, one serves. Another priest could attend Mass without concelebrating; neither the deacon nor the additional priest are required to be on the altar.Is a deacon required to serve whenever he is at mass or can he join his family in the pews? How is this different from a priest concelebrating mass? Thanks
From everything I have read, the likelyhood is no, nada, zip, and etc.I think that I already know the answer to my question but I’ll ask anyway, I’m 25 and unmarried but intend on marrying, Would there ever be a variation that my diocese would allow me to be a deacon and then marry? I’m assuming no.
You have ten years before you’re old enough to be ordained, chances are you will be married by then. But the answer to your question is a plain old fashion nope! Only with dispensation from Rome would a widower with small children be allowed to re-marry for the sake of the kids.I think that I already know the answer to my question but I’ll ask anyway, I’m 25 and unmarried but intend on marrying, Would there ever be a variation that my diocese would allow me to be a deacon and then marry? I’m assuming no.