
Though it would have better fitted into a “Chuch law” forum…
Now, let’s imagine someone who has been baptised in the Catholic Church, received Holy Communion, but who hasn’t been christened because in his youth he distanced himself from the Church. The distance growing, when he got eighteen he decided to quit the Church (formally, oficially) and did so.
About his personal lifestyle it’s important to note that he never had a girlfriend nor desired one nor ever committed any sexual sins, feeling a-sexual by nature and even being somewhat anti-sexual by conviction. So no problems at all on the celibacy/perfect chastity/continence-side. Besides, he is quite the private erudite in philosophy and theology, though he doesn’t hold a formal degree in either of these subjects.
Years pass. He doesn’t enter any other religious community (nor freethinker-masonry or whatever). After seven years, motivated by long reflections and various life-events, he regains interest in the Catholic faith and feels drawn towards the Church. Naturally, he considers reentering the Church. Suppose furthermore he has some Social-Work-related degree, working with people etc… seriously regretting the foolish choice in his youth, he desires reentering the Church.
Ok. So far no problem here.
But he’d also like to become a priest, since… well… he feels called by Christ, naturally… and besides, he thinks the job-profile just suits him perfectly well

But would that be possible, by Church law, that someone like him could become a Catholic priest, someone who once quitted the Church?