Becoming Catholic

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I visited my first Catholic Mass today! I was very pleased with the whole experience. Many on this forum know that I have been raised in a very faithful Mormon family. It hasn’t been the easiest journey making it this far. If you want to know the history behind my journey, just search for threads I’ve been involved in.

I’m somewhat disappointed that I hadn’t made this step long ago so I could have been baptized this past week instead of merely putting my foot in the water (metaphorically speaking). However, I am most excited to return next week and continue learning from experience about the faith which I fully expect to become a part of: the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

I was able to speak with the pastor after having a good discussion with one of the ushers before leaving. I fully expect to become good friends with both men. They were absolutely pleased to have me there and very gracious in welcoming me into the fold. It has been an absolutely unforgettable Easter Sunday for me – one which might have never come about without this forum. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in helping me come closer to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

God Bless!

– Isaac T. Madsen
Isaac, congratulations on taking your first step into the Catholic Church!

I was born and raised Mormon and was initiated into the Church on Saturday night. It’s a great feeling, but it’s still difficult. I know where you’re coming from, especially living in the Rocky Mountain states where the Mormon subculture is very strong.

Be sure to join the RCIA when it starts again this fall and maybe you will be ready to become a Catholic next Easter!

God Bless!
Good luck, Isaac!

I am new to the forum and so I haven’t seen any of your previous threads, but I just want to say how happy I am that you seem to have found your calling.

I was just confirmed on Saturday evening, although I have been a “member” of the church since birth.
I have always been involved in the Catholic faith but had missed my confirmation.
Isaac, I remembered awhile back when reading some of your post, your signature was your signature! 🙂 that is how I remember.

I am very happy for you and that you have found great support here on CAF as well as at the parish where you go to mass.

Your journey and many others’ are very important reason that motivates me to pray. So, when you are coming Home, we are there walking with you too!

Jesus loves you!
Thank you everyone who has responded so far for your support. I am glad to be able to call you friends on this journey of life. It is interesting to look back over the past three years – at how I joined this forum, curious about Catholicism, and interested in helping others understand Mormonism. I hoped to help Catholics see how Mormonism came about, but I quickly realized that it was I who needed to learn. That trail has brought my through some of the most difficult decisions and discoveries I have ever made, but every second has been worth it for the joy that comes in finding truth. May God bless each and every one of you.
Issac, it took me four years to Swim the Tiber. I can honestly say, it was worth it!

Row, Row, Row your boat…
This is great news Isaac! May God bless you on your journey into the Catholic Church! 😃
YAY!!! Another person who has found his way home! I congratulate you on your new found faith. I will pray to the Lord that you find him in all you do. Good Luck!
I am new to these forums but just wanted to say congratulations on the first steps of your journey HOME. The Mother Church is waiting to embrace you in her ever welcoming arms.

I just came into the church this past Easter. So I (like all the converts) can some what relate to how you are feeling.🙂
I’m somewhat disappointed that I hadn’t made this step long ago so I could have been baptized this past week instead of merely putting my foot in the water (metaphorically speaking). However, I am most excited to return next week and continue learning from experience about the faith which I fully expect to become a part of: the Holy Roman Catholic Church.


God Bless!

– Isaac T. Madsen
Putting your foot in the water is a step toward “swimming the Tiber”. We will be cheering you on.:clapping::gopray::extrahappy::gopray2:
Praise God in Heaven! Bring zerinus with you! Well… 😃

Merciful Lord in Heaven, You alone have revealed the truth to Isaac. It is out of Your unfathomable love for him that You have granted this Divine Revelation. For, as in the case of Peter, flesh and blood did not reveal Your truth, but You, Gracious and Loving Father! May Isaac be filled with joy as he is welcomed into the largest family in Creation, secure in the knowledge that he can celebrate mass in every nation on earth. May the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ fill him with spiritual gifts which last through eternity! Oh, Lord, our hearts are at peace upon hearing this wonderful news, just as we are when a birth occurs. Surround Isaac with loving brothers and sisters in Christ, to fill his heart with peace. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever. Amen! Alleluia!
Know that all of you are in my prayers. May Jesus guide you to your true home and shower each of you with his choicest blessings. for those of you who have made it, Welcome Home. You too are in my prayers.
Prayers & blessings for and on you all
Deacon Ed B

I only joined the Forum today, but since I am also a Catholic-by-Choice, I wanted to tell you how happy I am for you. I spent my life as a Protestant and even attended a Baptist bible college. In spite of that immersion, all of my life I felt led to the Catholic Church, but it was not until I retired that I took the RCIA classes and was confirmed in April 2006. My point in sharing my experience is to say that it is NEVER too late. Blessed be the Lord for showing us the Way!

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