When I first approached a Priest about conversion, he had a little talk with me, gave me a tour of the parish, gave me a little folder of basic Catechesis that he wrote, and said he would Baptize me whenever I felt ready. I had heard about RCIA, and so I very stupidly assumed this particular Priest was a bit on the “liberal” side. This Priest is actually rather traditionalist in orientation, and he’s absolutely wonderful.
Well, I had too much sin in my life, and it took me another 10 years or so to attend RCIA and to finally receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. I’ve often regretted not only waiting so long, but maybe even the whole idea of RCIA altogether.
Our RCIA is actually led by a Dominican Friar, and I absolutely loved the talks and all of that, but I do think it would have been so much nicer simply to be received into the Church, and to get more detailed formation later. I would have been willing to have been Baptized almost immediately, and I’m sincerely not convinced that RCIA really did much for me other than give me a very enjoyable thing to do on Wednesday nights. I was as intellectually convinced of the Church’s claims as I was ever going to be that side of being in a state of sanctifying grace.
ANYWAY, my point is just that I appreciate “going back to what the early Church apparently did,” but I’m not so sure non-private instruction is a bad idea, and I wish I had taken advantage of it when I could have. My life certainly would have been different, and thank God that He still gave me graces to convert.