Definitely need to be careful for sure. CA is probably the most beautiful state in the USA, but it is terrible with job hunting.Oh and I just noticed you are in CA! CA has an even worst situation because California has the particular problem of having all these unnacredited law schools and all these online schools. Due to that the market for lawyers in CA is even worst. Oh and I am here giving a very important advice that you need: DO NOT…never EVER in your life…go to a non-ABA approved law school. NEVER!!!
I repeat unless you get accepted to Stanford or another university high ranked and get scholarships, it is not a good idea. The bar in CA is incredibly difficult and actually for next year they are modyfying the bar and making it even worst and their fees are high. You need to consider reality very carefully before jumping into this.
Fortunately I have years before I can apply to law school, (I’m thinking UCLA or USD).