I thank you again, although you never gave a real response to the sexual pleasure. I strongly believe and am amazed at the human body - that sex should only be for making babies.
Animals have sex just to make babies. We are not animals.
Though what I do not understand is why one must not feel such love previous to their spouse.
Catholics are called to love our neighbor (everyone else) as we love ourselves.
You are not talking just about love, but also about intimacy. Catholics restrict the intimacy of sexual relations to one person - the person we are married to.
A married couple becomes an instrument of God. They are to become closer through intimacy so that the jobs they do for God have a bond that is extremely hard to break. I’m sure you realize that not every union between people results in children, so God must not have meant for the act to be only procreative.
There is pleasure in married intimacy- in fact the most complete physical pleasure possible because it unites both heart (the love you have for your spouse), body (the physical pleasures you have) and soul (the fact that you know your union is elevated and holy, and pleasing to God).
I have been in love, and have made love to this person, and I wish I could carry that feeling around with me all day everyday. As I’m sure you know, being on an emotional and physical level, so strongly, is beyond words.
Which is why it makes it selfish to wish to experience it with just anyone- for your own gratification. The selfish part of this is what makes it wrong. The act has been boiled down to just a physiological feeling (albeit a strong one) that you wish to experience- it really doesn’t matter with whom. Now you might have high standards about the person you may choose. You might have to have chemistry with him. You might have to feel connected with him. You might want to make sure you both are dating only eachother at the time. All of these standards are SUBstandard to a marriage where these decisions have already been made.
The ultimate gift is to offer this to only one person to whom you are married- until you die.
His and mine relationship is beautiful besides this fact. I try to help him as much as possible, though he is usually the one that begins the act.
We are often weak and subject ourselves to immediate gratification. This is how most sins are commited.
What goes through a Catholic man’s mind when he is having sex before marriage? Does he try to clear it of everything but the task at hand?
I’m not a man, I hope one responds to this for you…
A lot is at stake in our relationship,
There is more at stake than just your relationship.
… though why must Catholics say they believe so strongly in one thing, (not having sex before marriage, lying, etc.) and do the complete opposite, then go to confession and believe everything will be ok?
This is a shame. There are a lot of Catholics that say they believe one thing, then live another. There are a lot of Protestants who do the same. There are a lot of people who deny being racist, but their actions tell a different story. Hon, the world is full of people who tell us one thing, and do another.
Just because a few Catholics you know say they believe those things, and then proceed to do the complete oposite, doesn’t mean the Catholic Church or those teachings are wrong. It just means those people are weak in areas, and need God’s help.
God gave us the Sacrament of Confession so that when we truly realized the error of our sins, and desired and vowed to never commit the sin again- we could be forgiven, and still attain the glories of Heaven.
Why must they pray to God for help, (for example, the tsunami) but not send their own money? --Just an example.
That is ridiculous. The Catholic Church doesn’t make their people pray for situations like this, then not allow them to send their own money or volunteer. In fact there are many active Catholic charities in the area, assisting those in need right now.
I pray that the Holy Spirit calms your heart and opens your mind to the truth of the Catholic Church.