At the risk of repeating what some others may have alluded to (I didn’t wade through some of the longer posts), I think you, and perhaps your boyfriend, don’t understand the Catholic conception of Love.
Love is NOT, I repeat, NOT a matter of feelings. The strong pull you have for your boyfriend is natural, but it is not Love acording to the Catholic conception. Love, as properly understood, is wanting and doing what is BEST for the other above and beyond our own needs. This may seem like a cold definition, but it is the ADULT definition. The conception of love put forth by Hollywood is the infantile version. There are lots of things which constitute love that don’t have warm fuzzies attached to them. For instance, parents disciplining their children. This is love, but it isn’t pleasant to do. A wife who scolds her alcoholic husband for drinking is showing love (by not letting him destroy himself), but there are no warm and fuzzies. The greatest act of love in the world was Christ dying for us. That’s why every Catholic church should have a crucifix front and center. It’s not because we have a morbid fascination with gore, but because it’s the greatest act of love possible.
To have physical relations before marriage, by this definition, is not love, but its opposite. You are bound emotionally to the other, but you are not married. Sexual relations, paradoxically, have a way of clouding our emotions and preventing us from seeing the other as they are. People will stay together long after it has become apparent that they are not good for each other because the sex is good. That’s why people who have relations and/or live together before marriage have much higher divorce rates. Once the bloom is off the rose, those little flaws you glossed over pre-marriage start to loom a little larger.
Bear in mind that all contraceptive technologies have a failure rate. Even if you were to do everything “perfectly”, you are risking bringing a child into the situation. Then you’ll really be in a pickle.
The Church has its teachings about sex, not because it is repressive and only wants women to become joyless baby factories, but because it sees sex as HOLY. It sees sex as something much more exalted than merely gaining pleasure, but as the union of two souls. If you have a hard time thinking of sex that way, it is because you have been too influenced by our surrounding culture.
I would recommend picking up, or borrowing a copy of The Good News About Sex and Marriage by Christopher West. It is an easy read, quite explicit, and lays out the Church’s teachings beautifully.
Bear in mind, for every NO that the Church puts forward, there is an even more important YES. For every negative commandment that the Church puts forward, it is because the Church wants something even better for you. Once you get what the Church is driving at, it’ll blow your mind.